

I took my resume around at the end of last term, hoping to get some work in Term 2 (NSW). I wrote on the resume that I’d need to know about work by 4pm the day prior so I can arrange care for my son. Anyway, we will be relying on my FIL (he doesn’t work), and my MIL on the days she is home from work. I am starting to stress that I am going to be called up next week for work (counting my chickens before they hatch) and I won’t be able to take the work due to FIL being away. It’s not like I can say to the school ‘can I call you back in 5 minutes with an answer’. Hubby just thinks that as his Dad doesn’t work, it’ll be no problem to go to work and have our son looked after, but if the in-laws go away etc, then we’re stuck and I can’t work. It’s not going to look good if I continually reject work opportunities!

How do you cope with working and care for your child/ren? Do you have set days you can work etc? My husband doesn’t want to pay for 1-2 days childcare as he says it’s a waste of money if I don’t get work/care costs outweigh income etc

Posted by jess85, 27th April 2013

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  • Some places do ‘occasional’ care and it’s worth finding out of your area has any as you can only book up to a week in advance.


  • My friend is in the same situation at the moment…how did u work it out then ?


  • Oh dear! Did any work end up coming through?


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