9 Comment
Our family has had a really tough 12 months.. My fiance Shane and I have been together almost 9 years, we have two girls 8 and 5.I want to publicly say how proud I am of Shane and all he has done for me and the girls this past year. We’ve stuck together through some really difficult things and I thank him for putting up with me, and for begin such a wonderful father to our children.
I have been studying full time for the last 5 years, in that time our roles have been reversed. Shane has stayed home with the kids and taken over all the household chores, so that I can devote myself to my studies. He cooks, cleans, does the school drop offs and pick ups, all while caring for the three of us. Without his support I would not have been able to complete my studies. Two weeks ago on the way to class I slipped and badly fractured my ankle requiring a titanium plate and pins. He’s been my carer helping me dress, shower, and running back and forth whenever I need something.
I know at times he has been frustrated, but he’s still done what needed to be done. So thank you honey for all that you do for us, I honestly don’t know what we would do without you!
Posted by sonja_holness, 4th October 2013
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