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My boy at the age of six months was diagnosed of asthmatic bronchitis, which lasted till he became 4 years old. We did all we could medically and he got better, but the attack was re-occuring. He took a whole pharmacy full of drugs, but he could not still get off of it. I tried to keeping him very warm, bath him once a week, and only clean him up with warm water around his buttocks. If he had the attack, I give him medicine for cold, and I realised he was getting out of it. He now sleeps well and we give God all the THANKS for this simple knowledge that has actually free my boy today.

Posted by susan_dione_epiepang, 20th April 2014

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  • Hope your son is doing better now its a worry when your child is so sick


  • So glad to hear he is recovering. 🙂 Hopefully there’s nothing but blue skies from here. 🙂


  • nice exellent


  • great story to read


  • great exellent


  • Glad he’s recovered ,as had these troubles also .Any bug around our lad catches .Keep warm & dust free ,well best u can helps .Good on you !


  • I’m so pleased he is feeling better and feel so very sorry for him. I’ve had bronchitis three times now and as an adult it knocked me around, I couldn’t even imagine how your son was feeling, I hope he never gets it again.


  • that is great to hear that he is feeling better


  • What mothers with kids in this situation need do, is to be very keen, and try various methods to help your suffering child. When they are coughing and struggling for breath, they look up to us as if asking, can’t you help?


  • Very happy That he is better now! You must’ve needed to be so alert and careful with what you did with him! Well done to you!


  • This is a wonderful news indeed, what a relief. I like to hear mums are getting out of this, only us who have passed through this can very well understand. Thank God my Sister.


  • I am glad that he is better.


  • You are right there can be a number of sources for the asthma and it is sometimes hard to find what is triggering it. It can be animals, mould, dust mites, household cleaners etc etc. My son’s asthma seems to have settled down – cross my fingers and on the breathing test the dr gave him today he scored well! 🙂 I’m so thrilled.


  • Another thing, avoid pouring water on his head during bath, clean it with hand towel and he should always have socks on.


  • This is usually caused by allergy reaction I suppose. My son got it from the coldness of the walls of my room which were growing moisture, I was advised to move him out of my room into a more spacious area, which actually helped. So please, can you just look around and see what might be the cause of the allergy causing the asthma. It could be cats, dogs, rubbing oil, perfume, foam bath, indoor plants or even the environment


  • My daughter has struggled with it too. People could never seem to understand that we would avoid social gatherings if others had colds as they could not understand that a cold was not just a cold for us but always became something more serious. My daughter is a bit better these days, but it is still a great worry every winter.


  • I’m having the same problem with my 2.5yr old daughter she has been diagnosed with asthma few month’s ago and she also grasps for breath I give her asthma puffers 3 times a day and it makes me cry and stressed seeing my baby girl go through this expecially being a mother of 4 it’s the worst thing for a parent to go through.


  • Its so heart breaking, seeing your child struggling to grasp for breath, his nostrils opening up, his ribs going in and out and his breath whistling like a bird on a tree in the morning. Oh what mothers go through!! I thank God indeed.


  • My son also had severe asthma and was hospitalised a few times when he got a simple cold, as it would turn into a bronchial type thing. It is difficult to watch you child go through this and you appreciate more yourself the simple act of being able to breath clearly every day. Thank goodness the last couple of years he has had hardly any hospital visits and his medication seems to be controlling his asthma for the most part. I only hope that one day he can be free of it altogether.


  • my Son was born with it and the lucky ones do grow out off it but my lot didn’t grow out of it. Lucky for your little one


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