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‘Emily in Paris’ star Lily Collins and husband Charlie McDowell have revealed the surprise news that they’ve welcome their first child via surrogacy. However the couple has been forced to address vile comments about their happy news.

Lily, who is the daughter of music legend Phil Collins, revealed she and her husband became the proud parents of baby Tove Jane McDowell, sharing a beautiful photo of their little girl.

“Words will never express our endless gratitude for our incredible surrogate and everyone who helped us along the way,” Lily commented on the photo. “We love you to the moon and back again…”

Lily Collins baby

The joint Instagram post attracted thousands of congratulatory comments, but it also received some hate.

“Surrogacy is exploitation of impoverished women and shouldn’t be normalised,” one person commented.

Another person commenting, “The normalisation of this is so scary.”

While another said: “Having babies shouldn’t be like placing an order on Amazon.”

Lily Collins baby

The comments prompted Lily’s husband Charlie, who is a director and producer, to address the situation.

“Thank you for all the kind messages and love,” he commented. “We are overjoyed and very grateful.

“In regards to the unkind messages about surrogacy and our path to having a baby— it’s ok to not be an expert on surrogacy. It’s ok to not know why someone might need a surrogate to have a child. It’s ok to not know the motivations of a surrogate regardless of what you assume.

“And it’s ok to spend less time spewing hateful words into the world, especially in regards to a beautiful baby girl who has brought a lot of love into people’s lives. That’s all for now because she just pooped and I need to change her diaper.”

Lily Collins baby

Lily and Charlie have been married since 2021, after first going public with their relationahip in 2019.

  • I had no idea she was having a child. What wonderful news. Everyone has a different story as to why they took the journey they did to have a child. People need to stop criticising others without knowing all the facts. Worry about your own family and just wish them well on their journey. Stop being critical of others it is not necessary.


  • I really cannot understand why people don’t put their mind s into gear before spewing words forth. They do not know why surrogacy was done, and all the reasons for it, so they should stay quiet until they are fully aware of the situation as often things are just not what they seem to be. Congratulations to Lily and Charlie on your first child. Enjoy her to pieces as they grow so very quickly. Cheers


  • Why do people think its ok to sit behind a computer and judge other people’s choices? They are happy, the baby is healthy and the only thing we should be writing is congratulations on your beautiful baby, ignore the haters and all the best being parents to your little one


  • I just don’t understand how people can be so unkind. No-one should judge and definitely should not shame others for these decisions. This couple look like devoted parents and their baby will be treasured. I am happy for them and wish them all the best as they raise their little girl. It’s not like they made someone be a surrogate. Ignore the bad vibes and know most people are happy for them.


  • This just highlights the importance of surrounding yourself with good people. She doesn’t have a choice as she’s celebrity, but you have to ignore the haters and just have an am having and supportive network around you people ignorance will always shine through, but you don’t have to be the person to educate them. Some are jyst committed to their ignorance and hate and they’re simply not my people.


  • Always speak nice words. Everyone has their own story to share. Also never judge a book or anyone by its cover or outer being. We have our own opinions and thoughts and thus couple has their own story to share. I have only watched about surragacy in movies (Netflix!) the movie was fabulous! Currently I don’t know much about this topic but it is interesting to me so will research and learn more about this topic to have an understanding.


  • It is important to shake off the negative comments of keyboard warriors; their opinions should not even rate and should be deleted. There are many more positive and kind people in the world than negative and unkind people. Many celebrities choose to not read any comments about them and maybe that is wise,


  • People can be so hurtful. Did anyone ever stop to think that maybe surrogacy was a last resort option? I don’t really know of any other women (and I’m sure there are some out there) who wouldn’t want to experience the joy of motherhood, including pregnancy, themselves if they could. It looks like they are a lovely family and I’m sure the surrogate was well compensated and a willing participant. Some women actually really love being surrogates because they love the feeling of pregnancy.


  • Wishing this beautiful family all the best. I’m sure this little girll is going to have a wonderful life and be absolutely adored. I’m super happy for them all. Anyone who has nothing nicebto say shouldn’t say anything. at all. Some of those comments are totally unwarranted, uneducated and completely unnecessary.


  • Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby girl. Some of us aren’t able to have babies for some medical reason or other. It’s wonderful that you were able to find a surrogate to make your dreams come true to have a child of your own. Just because we don’t give birth, doesn’t mean we will love a baby any less. What about the people who adopt a child? Is that wrong as well?


  • Sadly there will always be hateful people in the World but thankfully there are more lovely people then hateful.
    Often times hateful people are not veryh well educated on the subject that they choose to spew their hatred about. If they spent more time researching and educting themselves that would be awesome


  • First of all many congrats to this couple, very exciting times indeed !
    I don’t understand the need of people to speak hateful words. What do they actually know about this couple and their circumstances. And even when they know them, do they know their inner beings ? In my opinion it’s a sign of immaturity to think it is your business and to push and pester these people with hateful words.


  • There will always be someone who will have something negative to say. I’ve had it happen to me many times where I’ve shared something personal and have received judgmental comments. You have to learn to ignore it and focus on the positive comments you receive. And if it worries you that much, stop sharing things so publicly


  • This is exactly why I am NOT on social media. The bullies that hide behind screens. They think their all tough with hateful words but would be so gutless in person to say those things. It is no one’s business to why people choose surrogacy and its definitely no ones place to comment on why a woman chooses to be a surrogate mother. If these are hateful comments about surrogacy, I wonder what hateful things they have to say about women who choose IVF. Leave people alone and let them live their own lives. Congrats to Lilly and Charlie on the birth of their beautiful baby girl.


  • Everyone has an opinion about everything and they are happy to share it far and wide. The response from the partner and new dad is to the point. No one knows the circumstances and it does not matter what strangers and people with no knowledge of a situation think. Shake off the opinions and enjoy parenthood.


  • These comments probably come from people who have not had to experience fertility assistance through IVF, the processes, the struggles and the waiting that it takes to conceive this way. The gift of this beautiful baby girl to her well deserving parents is amazing. Next time Keep your opinions to yourself if you don’t have anything nice to say!


  • Wonderful news for them after a trying journey. The husband’s response to the hateful comments said it all. They know nothing and are assuming a lot. They have no idea why they had to take this path or whether the surrogate was impoverished or not so have no reason to speak out against them. Congratulations.


  • Happy news. I wish Lily and Charlie and baby Tove a wonderful life together.


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