

I so very much love babies! I love their newness, their chubbiness, the way that they smell, their cuddles and how soft and sweet they are. However, the thing that I really, really love most of all? Is being able to give them back to their mum or dad after I have had my baby fill!

Posted anonymously, 28th April 2015

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  • I watched a video yesterday of my gorgeous little great great niece laughing for the first time. It was so cute, sure made me smile


  • haha this is funny! good one! please share more of your humour anon!


  • Haha! This made me laugh! I have an almost 1 year old and I often try to remember what those ‘child free’ days were like.


  • I’m with you there! My baby days are over.


  • great to read


  • Babies are lovely and an absolute joy.


  • I love them too but I would love another and hubby doesn’t so I just have to make to with the cuddles and handing them back


  • I love them too, except it makes me clucky lol


  • I can relate to this! Being a student Midwife, I get to enjoy all those things as a job! Life can be wonderful!


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