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I have to share with you my bath time experience last night with my little boy who is 22mths old. I decided to have a bath with him as we have a big enough bath for both of us and its been awhile since I have had a bath with him. We loaded up the bubbles so that you couldn’t see any water. Toys were floating everywhere and we were having fun playing games. Then my boy was pointing to a toy and making noise so I assumed he wanted me to get it for him. I went to grab this toy which I couldn’t quite see due to the bubbles and I picked it up. Well it wasn’t a toy was it, it was a poo! Not realising til I grabbed it, I freaked out and let out a little yelp and quickly dropped it and got out of the bath quickly as possible. At this stage my boy was yelling out poo, poo and I said thanks mate you could have told me earlier! Then realising I was sitting in a bath with poo, well I just had to laugh, quickly going into shower to wash off and then to run and get the bleach to clean the bath. After draining the bath, it was not a pleasant site but I did have a good laugh about it in the end and that is why I normally let my litte man bath on his own! Lesson learnt!

Posted by tanya goulding, 18th September 2013

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  • PMSL that is gold!!! (or should I say brown Hehehe). Aaaaah the joys of children 🙂
    Happy days


  • Ew! I’ve never had it happen but hubby has many times 🙂


  • the lessons for the bathtime


  • good nice story


  • yesterday hubby threw our 2 wk old in the bath with me. lets just say his poo was a little runnier than your sons!!!


  • Nothing like a good poo in the bath story.


  • Hahahahahaha ah it happens to everyone not necessarily while they are in the bath with it though


  • Thanks everyone! It was so funny and I still laugh at it now! I haven’t had pee on me yet but crossing my fingers I escape that one!! Ha ha glad to have made someone’s day that has just made me smile! Thanks mums!!!


  • HAHA oh dear!
    I’m still waiting to deal with my first poo in the bath!


  • Haha brings back memories of me as a child my cousin did the same thing lol x


  • I am pretty sure all mums have had this happen. Having twins I with me many years ago. My son stood up and pee on me. Omg I thought wow out I got in the shower .. Never again


  • Lol this is so very funny. I haven’t had this happen yet


  • You can always laugh at it later at the time it is not so funny. Lesson learnt.


  • That has made a great start to my day….thank you 🙂


  • I’m still laughing. I can remember this happening to me years ago. It’s great that you didn’t freak out – fab reaction.


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