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My daughter Stevie-lee was due on the 25/08/08, I tried everything to try an get her here sooner, but NOTHING worked… On the 27/08/08 at around 7pm I started to get really bad pains, and because I had already made so many trips to the hospital because of bracks and hicks I didn’t want to go because I had a doctors app at 2 the next day anyway about finding out when I was going to be induced… So I spent the night with no sleep, half the night in the shower to stop the pain, at 12 the next day 28/08/08 I couldn’t wait, my daughters after and my mum drove me to the LGH and I could t even make it to the lift, so the doctor grab me a wheel chair and took me to the labour room, I hoped in the bath after they gave me drugs to ease the pain, around 9 at night the drugs had worn out and I had to get out of the bath to see how far dilated I was, but the pain was unbearable… So at 11:47pm on the 28/08/08 I gave
Birth to my daughter drug free in the bath.. And to make it even more special she was born on get fathers birthday, what better gift could i possibly give him… We are about to celebrate her 5th birthday this year, it’s amazing how fast they grow up, I can’t be any prouder of her <3
Posted by tegz91, 16th August 2013
fruitwood said
- 03 Aug 2015
mom73672 said
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mom113055 said
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mom57522 said
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jodie80 said
- 21 Mar 2014
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