
9 Comment

Who are we expected to spend Christmas with people we usually wouldn’t socialise with? I figure that if you don’t get along with your family, why force the issue? My family are just ridiculous! We are having a ‘friends who are family’ Christmas gathering next weekend and that will so much more enjoyable than on xmas day with my foul inlaws and my stupid family who just argue over crap. Argh! It is supposed to be a nice time of year! Not in this family! Id like to skip forward to January now please!

Posted anonymously, 27th November 2015

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  • Yes I know . This year my sister in law decided she didn’t want to be triggered by my mother because she hates her being negative and my brother just came on his own with his two little ones and said it was much better that way . So every Xmas can be slightly different for everyone isn’t it .


  • yeah do what is best. if you don’t get on and christmas day is going to be a fight and drunken messery, then why not avoid it or have a very small gathering. Why not invite the tolerable people for a bbq or new year’s instead. i know that family is the true meaning of christmas but i understand that there are patterns to people’s behaviour and not everyone is civil for christmas. If you have kids, you want them to have a magical christmas, not one filled with fear or bad memories.


  • Maybe you could all do what the story below suggests :
    Helping out serving meals to the poor and homeless on Christmas Day would shine a different light on the situation.

    Let’s Bless Those Lonely and Sad at Christmas time

    Christmas can be a great time of joy to spend with family and friends in sharing and giving.

    However for others this can be a time of loneliness and sorrow as not everyone has people to celebrate with.

    I urge everyone this Christmas to bless someone you know who you think may be lonely or may even just need a bit of cheering up.

    Here is some ways you can bless people you do or don’t know around you:

    – Invite them over for a Christmas drink – if you sense someone is alone over Christmas invite them over for a Christmas drink or even a meal. This small gesture may just make them smile.

    – Buy a small surprise gift – you can do this in person or anonymously place a little present on their front porch or even the letter box.

    – a Hand written Christmas card – a great way to share a little bit of joy

    – Buy a present for the Wishing Tree – Kmart every year do the Wishing Tree – I know there are several other charities too that collect new toys and clothing to bless families in need during Christmas. This isn’t quite as personal but still a great way to give

    – Visit the local nursing home – sit with an elderly person who is lonely and just chat or play a game of cards or bingo

    – Contact a local charity or church and find out how you can help – there are plenty of ways you can volunteer time over Christmas or give goods. Volunteer in your local soup kitchen, make a meal to deliver to someone, wrap some presents to be taken to those in need, buy and assemble hampers for the community, and many more.

    I’m sure there are a million and one more ways to bless people in your community this Christmas. Please share some of your ideas and everyone Please Share the Joys and Blessings of Christmas.

    Posted anonymously, 28th November 2015

    • Thanks for re sharing this – may help the ‘poster’


  • If I were you, I wouldn’t be bothering with the family Christmas, sounds horrific! You’re meant to spend the day with people who make you happy. I have family that I don’t get along with and I just don’t have anything to do with them, ever, Christmas or not!


  • Such a shame at Christmas time! love being with family and friends at Christmas time. Is there a way to work out the differences?


  • I agree that often a Christmas gathering with friends is a lot more enjoyable than a Christmas gathering with family.

    • Perhaps, but I don’t think this justifies avoiding and dismissing family.


  • Family are very important part of everyones lives, a refection of who we are and where we have come from. No family is perfect, and everyone has their differences. I do so hope you consider a more reflective and positive attitude before attending on Christmas Day. With your current attitude, you have no chance… what a shame. At least you have friends and 2016 to look to.


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