
18 Comment

hi sometimes i wish people would come to my house to just see me.

have you had those days where the mother in law comes and visits and picks your house apart?
oh look your curtain isnt straight or there are toys everywhere?

sometimes i think mother in lawa or people who come to your house need to come and see you and not complain about the state of your house.
Did they come to see you or your house?

i dont feel comfortable having someone come to my home and moan about what is wrong about it the whole time.
i would rather you come to my home and visit me, have a cup of tea, discuss what you have been upto and visit with the kids and i and hubby.

sometimes it is fine to leave your house for a bit and just something for you. The housework will still be there when you are finished. Sure i like my house tidy but i dont want to spend all my time thinking all i do is clean the house and look after my kids.
I need to do something i enjoy every so often. I go to scrapbooking once a month.
what do you do for me time every so often?

thanks for reading this

Posted anonymously, 24th August 2015

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  • Hmmm, my “me” time… I usually do some baking in the kitchen and getting creative =) Or read a book on Fridays whilst I wait for the kids an hour or so early from picking them up =)


  • I had a mother all that would turn up at my house when I was working and my husband was there and she start the washing machine and did my laundry She would be cleaning my kitchen when I got home I absolutely hated the fact she was there so kindly told my husband to give her the message not to touch anything he did and thatwas that


  • I feel the exact same way. 🙁
    I see it as my kids are only young once cherish them and play with them now while I can. The house work is always going to be there but my children won’t.


  • Yes it sounds so frustrating! Good luck!


  • I have never had this. My parents don’t care and neither do my friends! We all understand each other and know that having a family is hard and that our houses are not museums.
    My MIL lives overseas but I know that when she does visit, she would never criticize my house.


  • Its so frustrating! Mother in laws are the wrost for it!


  • I sometimes dread people coming over if the house isn’t perfect. We are too picky sometimes and we all have our good days and not so good days.


  • When I have people/friends come to my home for the first time I tell them at the door my house is a dirty mess if you don’t like messes than don’t come in. I’ve only ever had 1 person not come in but I just let it slide as she was a professional cleaner and later I found out she’s ocd when it comes to cleaning


  • Luckily, I don’t get that from anyone.


  • I agree ,home is were family is ,a house is just that bricks & mortar .


  • lol i can just hear that voice in my head saying “don’t visit then”


  • I watch my tv programs once kids are asleep. Or I go for a walk.

    If someone comes to pick on your home don’t make their presence welcome


  • I find my Mother in law some speaks before she thinks, lucky my hubby has trained her to keep her nasty opinions to herself and i now have a better relationship with her due to her nicer. (it took a few years of my hubby telling her not to be so picky, then he ended up telling her not to visit till she coud keep her picky opinions to herself)


  • I once had someone say “the floors needs a vacuum” when they came to visit. I went and got the vacuum and said “go for it and I will make a cuppa!” They did not vacuum the floors and they never ever said it again! Try it as it may stop them in their tracks! I have many hobbies and interests too – life is all about balance. 🙂

    • That has left a big smile on my face. I love that response. I can’t believe the lack of decorum some people have; more front than Myers.

      • Thanks HOPEFULLYHEIDI! It still makes me smile too! The look on her face was priceless! LOL! I love your saying too – more front than Myers! Gold! 🙂


  • I would be horrified if someone did that to me. I certainly wouldn’t do it to anyone else. I visit people to visit people


  • +1 from me….. we sure ned some time just to enjoy ourselves…. I do craft and SHOPPING 😀


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