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We took the kids away for a weeks holiday to a beachside town for Xmas, just a short getaway which was supposed to be fun & relaxing family time. My 5 yr old son has egg & peanut anaphylaxis allergies so we don’t keep peanut butter in the house and have bought him up teaching from a young age about his severe allergies. However I let my guard down by buying a box of Cadbury favorites as a treat. I said to my son you can’t have any of the chocolates called “picnic” as these have peanuts in. We let him pick two and we enjoyed some chocolate and had an afternoon swim. My husband put the chocolates away in the top cupboard of the kitchen. The next morning we were woken abruptly to the sound of my son coughing and gagging. I lept out of bed and he was standing there in the dining area coughing and began to vomit. I thought he had a upset tummy but then noticed chocolate around his mouth. I kept saying to him ” what have you had?” He said just chocolate. He had climbed the kitchen cupboards and got into the box of chocolates and “tried” the forbidden picnic bar- just one bite initiated an immediate allergic reaction. The sneezing and vomiting were hurrendous! I got his allergy lot out. He had hives break out over his back, luckily no airway involvement so the clarytyne helped his reaction. This time I escaped a potentially deadly outcome all because I was lucky. He didn’t need his epipen adrenaline injection or the ambulance but I stupidly trusted a 5 year old with the temptation of chocolate. Never again will I let complacency interfere with my guard in protecting my little boy. I cried that day because I let my guard down that nearly cost me my beautiful little boy who is just so innocent and wanted a chocolate. A hard lesson to learn and I am thankful he is with us still especially since Many families were not so lucky this Xmas with the drowning of that little 5yr old boy at the beach & 4yr old boy in the river.
Posted by steph b, 3rd January 2014
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