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My sister is 18 mths younger than me. I’m 46. She has a lovely family (husband & 2 boys aged 12 yrs & 6 yrs). She is part owner in a Hairdressing Salon in a well to do area of Adelaide & lives in a nearby suburb. I’m getting used to the fact neither myself or my family (hubby & 2 children aged 19 & 13) have never been invited to my nephews’ birthdays or their parties & that she will spend time & Christmas with her husband’s sister & her 3 daughters & that I’m not Friends on either her or her husbands Facebook while his sister, his sister’s dog & nieces are. I was angry when during the recent School Holidays I found out (through her work) that she & her family hasd gone to NY. Our dad is a widower in frail health & if a decision had to be made in a hurry about him I don’t know what I’d do (as it happened dad ended up going to hospital unexpectedly for a week) but yesterday something happened that has really upset me (though husband says I should be used to her & her ways by now) last week was my daughter’s 13th Birthday. She had 2 parties. 1 for kids & another the following Saturday for adults at a Cafe opposite where my sister works in the late anoon. My sister & her family didn’t attend either (not even to duck out of work to wish her a Happy Birthday & go back to work). Yesterday, I visited my dad (he lives 3 blocks from me) & was given by him a present for my daughter from my sister (why she couldn’t drop it to our house I don’t know) when my daughter opened the card she asked who the present was from because the card had been signed Love The xxxx (their surname). This has really upset me with Christmas approaching I don’t know what to do as I love her & her family very much & I don’t want my nephews missing out or knowing how much we love them.
Posted by bronnyc, 5th November 2015
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mom165081 replied
- 06 Nov 2015 , 4:21 pm
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