
5 Comment

I’m waiting for my bub to strt crawling FORWARD…by that I mean, he’s pushing himself behind :)… and is very active. Just waiting so eagerly that he moves forward 🙂

Posted by Nid, 27th October 2015

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  • Yes two of mine started crawling by actually going backwards! They get there eventually. I know the excitement and willing them to finally crawl and get moving. But they do grow so quick and once they’re on the move it’s a whole other ball game so to speak. Enjoy your bub and crawling won’t be far away 🙂


  • lol that is hilarious! babies can go in a multi-tude of directions before they go forward! i bet that it is funny to watch though! it is perfectly fine!


  • Crawling and discovering that your body can go in all different directions is rather spectacular. Enjoy this milestone.


  • Mine did that. He crawled everyway but forward for what seemed like the world’s longest time. He will do it.


  • Don’t be in too much of a hurry. They grow to fast. 🙂


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