

I’m in the finally weeks of my 3rd pregnancy and am finding my hormones are ragging, which impacts on how I cope with the demands of my 2 and 4 year olds. My husband tells me that it’s normal and not to worry but I do worry about the impact my outbursts and shortcomings has on my children, they certainly don’t understand that mummy is not all with it at the moment and it maybe a few months before I am back to myself. So I have been reading some self help books on dealing with anger while raising children and I have found ‘good and angry’ to be my saviour, it is a Christian book and although I’m not overly religious I have found the tools it provides to be incredibly helpful and my husband and children really seem to be responding well to my efforts. If you have any helpful tips I would love to hear them. Thanks.

Posted by April, 5th March 2014

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  • Pleased you found a book that can help you, all the best to you.


  • ohhh hun, it is normal, and I do hope that you worked it out, and now have another beautiful child to adore


  • So glad that you found the book – will be looking it up for my daughter :)


  • I am glad you have found some thing to help you cope but it is common for your emotions to go all over the place. When I was almost due with my husband my sister in law just said some thing that made me snap and I was going to snap her how she was saved was my Hubby grabbed me and yelled at her to run run fast so she locked her self in her car for over 5 hours. She had this from me a few times she just would come out and say some thing that would make me loose the plot


  • maybe see a doctor :)


  • i felt so angry when i was pregnant with my second.


  • I actually agree with speaking to a professional.


  • My irritational anger, it turns out, was due to depression. If you can have a talk to a professional, to rule it out, you will know all of your efforts wont be in vain. But pregnancy hormones are your likely suspect. Being that far along and also having others to deal with was the pits for me, and I didnt have 2 childern to deal with! Chin up mamma, your doing a great job and although you might not think it, your husband does and that should mean a lot to you xx


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