8 Comment
Our dear old dog is nearly 15 and showing every bit of his age. He’s always been a wonderful dog. Loyal, protective and he loves our kids with a passion. He used to be so active, always out and about. Now, it’s an effort to just get on or off his bed. His back legs are very wobbley, he’s going deaf and his eyesight isn’t what it used to be. He’s still eating and drinking fine, no worries there. And by the number of poos I shovel up, he’s having no issues there, although he’s just had a bout of diarrhea. It can be very frustrating with an old dog. I’ve read of stories where owners take their old dog to the pound and pick up a younger one. I could never do that, not even think of that. I am sad that his final day is drawing closer, but it still is difficult to live with an aging dog, I will miss him like crazy when he decides to leave us
Posted anonymously, 31st May 2016
mom93821 said
- 03 Jun 2016
june11 said
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BellaB said
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mom112217 said
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mum4107 said
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mom90758 said
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mom81879 said
- 31 May 2016
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