12 Comment
Being a mum and also a dental nurse I realise the importance of good dental health. I am frequently asked by parents when is the best time to start taking their children to see a dentist and also other dental queries. The best time to take your child to the dentist is when you or your partner has an appointment at the dentist for a basic examination and nothing to complicated so they get used to going so when it’s the child’s turn to go they will see it as a normal activity without too much drama…well hopefully. We usually start kids visits with a ride in the chair and also a quick count of their teeth. Hopefully with regular checkups they will not need any complex dental treatment.
Posted by rachaelchara, 11th May 2014
mom151342 said
- 30 Sep 2015
mom61718 said
- 31 May 2014
mums-info said
- 30 May 2014
meimei said
- 21 May 2014
tamandimmy said
- 19 May 2014
scottie said
- 15 May 2014
arcticwynta said
- 13 May 2014
rachaelchara replied
- 13 May 2014 , 9:14 pm
tamandimmy said
- 12 May 2014
rachaelchara replied
- 13 May 2014 , 9:12 pm
tilly said
- 11 May 2014
hopefullyheidi said
- 11 May 2014
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