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In my first pregnancy I had blood pressure issues and was put in hospital multiple times. They wanted to induce me before my due date if I hadn’t gone into labour. I was terrified. I went into labour a few hours before they were to start the process.
My second pregnancy I had blood pressure near the due date and they decided again that an induction was the go. I can safely say I was less than thrilled at the prospect but having been sick and unable to leave the house for 8 months I was thinking lets just get this over with.
When it came to my third pregnancy they decided because of past history that they would induce. I was a mess. I cried for hours. I wanted just once to go into labour ‘on my own’ and ‘at home’. That was my dream and they were about to take it from me. Well I decided to say NO. I had no signs of any problems and had worked very hard on keeping myself healthy and active so they would let it go it’s own natural course. They were shocked. They brought in the head of doctors who proceded to tell me horror stories about women and babies dying during child birth. I left the hospital furious and even more determined to do things MY way. I drove 80 kilometers every second day for check ups and baby heart monitoring and the nurses applauded me for standing firm. Six days after my due date I agreed to a streatch and sweep. Leaving the hospital I was uncomfortable and had a few twinges. By the time I arrived home I had started to wonder if it may have just worked and put me into labour. I was 4cm dilated at the hospital so it was all starting before the sweep. As the evening progressed it got to the point of my partner finishing cooking dinner for us all and we sat and talked for a while, put the kids to bed and told my dad who had kindly come to stay that we were deffinately heading to the hospital very shortly. I calmly showered and shaved my legs. Don’t want to look like a wild animal after all, and we rang the hospital to inform them we would be there in half an hour. Everything went amazingly. Full labour went for 2 hrs and at 2:14am the next morning with a 9 minute delivery we were holding our new baby girl. Time for some sleep and see what the next day held.
The next day the doctor dropped in to see how I was and added calmly before leaving “I guess you were right”… I was and I gave him the biggest yes I know I was grin he must have ever seen.
I now feel so proud of myself for not giving in, for not just following what I was told and for deciding on what I wanted and going out and getting it. I always knew if things showed signs of problems that I would have to do as they wanted… but, with no issues I was going to stick to my guns. It makes me wonder how many women are being bullied by their doctors to do things for no reason?
Posted by natct, 18th June 2013
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