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My daughter will be 8 next month. Last year I promised her she could get her ears pierced for her eighth birthday. As the date draws nearer, I’m apprehensive, is this the right thing to do? She’s being wanting to get them done for so long and has been waiting ever so patiently, she’d be gutted if I was to change my mind.

Posted anonymously, 4th June 2015

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  • I was six months old when I had my ears pierced. There’s no danger as long as you keep the lobes clean whilst the holes are healing.


  • My daughter was 6 months old when I got hers pierced. I was 4 days old. I don’t see any problem when getting your ears pierced.


  • If you’ve promised, I’d go ahead and do it


  • If it’s her choice and she knows what she’s doing, then I don’t think there is a problem. As long as it’s just the lobe she wants pierced. Nothing against piercing anywhere else but lobes grow back and cartilage doesn’t!


  • One of the main things I’ve found to be best when dealing with children, well anyone for that matter, is to stick to the promises that you make. They will focus more on that than the actual missing out on the piercing. Research the place you plan on taking her or better yet go where people that you know have gone. Hygiene will be the most important thing to drum into her as I’m still surprised at the amount of people that get infections as they do not stick to the cleaning routine often given out by the piercers.


  • I remember getting my ears pierced at 3! I am not traumatised, I am glad I got it done then and not later TBH! So don’t stress, I have seen babies being done, each to their own!


  • my daughter was 6 when she had hers done. she had been asking for awhile and eventually I said yes. I prepared her that it will hurt a little bit. She cried when the first one was done and by the time the second ear was done she was looking in the mirror like nothing had happened. However, these days, some places with do both ears at the same time…though I think this is extra cost.


  • Kids get there ears pierced much younger than this.
    I woudnt worry to much about it.


  • Just as other mums said, you have promised so you should keep your promise.


  • I had mine done at 7… mum promised.
    My nieces had them by the time they were 2, it’s a cultural thing!


  • If you promised I think you should go through with it but from experience….go somewhere where they do them both at the same time!


  • Also; if you are worried about how she will handle it-google and maybe watch someone getting their ears pierced?


  • I’ve told my daughter she can get them done when she is 9. Right now she is 4 so there is no way I could change my mind. Godoy luck.


  • Maybe look at why you are feeling apprehensive? I prefer to wait for kids to be at least 10 and of an age when they are able to clean and care for their own ears/piercings. Weigh up the pros and cons and ultimately you are mum and have to feel right about your choices for your child.


  • You have promised and at this age she may really be hurt for you go back on that. Let her do it. if she dont like it they pretty much heal and close up on their own. My girls were done as babies. my oldest hates earrings and hers have pretty much closed up. while my youngest loves her earrings! Just let her know how you feel tho and that u stand by her choice x


  • Personally, I’m hoping to hold out till my daughter is a teenager. But I think if you’ve made a promise, you should go through with it.


  • yeah it doesn’t hurt too bad! my daughter was 4 when she got hers done and she didn’t even really feel it but the noise of the gun was more startling.


  • If you promised, I think you have to go through. But I find it a very good idea to tell her that it can hurt. So she’s prepared.


  • If you do get it done try explaining to her that it will hurt, not to scare her but to be honest. Also try looking around to find a store locally that does both ears with two people doing it at once. Reason why i currently have a daughter that has one ear pierced not both as i went somewhere that did it one ear at a time(my mistake i didnt know some places do both ears at once). My daughter is to scared to go back and get the other ear done. I know she will when she has forgotten that it hurt.


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