

I know a lot of mums, especially with little ones, are struggling. I know because I am one of those mums. I have lots of friends who are those mums. I have always struggled with depression but this year I had a breakdown. I had a crazy 2 year old, a young baby who refused to go to anyone else, and a workaholic husband who was trying his best but not knowing what to do. We lived in a 6th floor apartment on a 6 lane busy road in Sydney. My girl is a climber (well, both are now) and she could unlock doors. I was in a constant state of panic and I just couldn’t cope anymore. Thankfully I saw my GP and I ended up being referred to a Mother Baby Unit. It was life saving. If you are struggling, please seek help. There are people who can help you. I know it’s hard but once you have done it you will wonder why you didn’t do it earlier.

Posted anonymously, 31st December 2014

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  • I totally agree. It’s ok to not be okay and seek help. Thank you so much for sharing your story.


  • Thank you for sharing your story.


  • i ike these stories


  • Im glad you sought out help.
    I hope life is improving for you.


  • Love that sentiment! There is certainly no shame in asking for help!


  • You are a brave woman. Thanks for sharing your story. I do hope you have managed to get some help, and i’m sure it hasn’t been easy for you.


  • Well done for posting this it may not have been easy but in doing so you help other mums going though this


  • Good on you for shedding light on this topic; important to get help.


  • good on you for seeking help. you are amazing. thanks for sharing your story and helping to get the message out there.


  • Thanks for sharing your story and advice. Glad you got support. :)


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