

On my way to macas, it was a clear warm night. I drove into the car park when some idiot ran into me then drove of yelling abuse at me. Police couldn’t do anything since there was no witness my car was riden off

Posted anonymously, 26th June 2014

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  • What a horrible experience for you,l would have been so angry!


  • When things like this happen sometimes the victim goes into shock.
    In any case depending on the angle you are hit and and the other car drives away at it can be difficult to get the registration plate details or you mainly only get part of it. Not all people recognise car body shapes and brands either. The other driver also left the scene. The Police were obliged to take an accident statement/report and give you a report number even if they say they can’t do anything. If you were able to give them some details one of the patrols may have spotted a damaged car and checked it out. You should be able to claim from your Insurance Company. Hopefully if the driver had been found he wasn’t drunk or you would have to sue the driver if he is ever found.


  • That totally sucks! Were you insured? No cctv cameras to help either? Not good at all


  • Oh dear. If the cholesterol doesn’t have kill you, road rage may do the job.


  • i would have thought that there would be cameras! what about neighbouring businesses! def get a dash cam for this reason! get one for the back of the car too


  • Most Maccas have cameras everywhere that record Everything!


  • top story


  • stories are great to read


  • i like reading these stories


  • You poor thing. Hearing more and more about incidents like this everyday.


  • How awful there are some cruel people about.


  • Id be seeking parking cameras from maccas :) best of luck

    • That is a super idea. Surely McDonald’s have cameras trained on the surrounding area or you would hope they do.

      • I agree with these comments; worth a try.


  • What a horrible thing to have happen :(


  • did you not get his rego at all ??
    even with no witnesses as long as you got the rego police can still go round and check his car out and if it has damage or not, i would also be asking mcdonalds if they have any cctv in the car parking area as i know the one near me does, worth a try i guess.


  • What a bummer,sorry this happened.


  • My blood is boiling for you! Driving the one hour journey to the city last night some rude person quite dangerously started driving very close to me on the highway. They flashed their high beams on me several times, almost blinding me. I was doing the speed limit and nothing wrong. They could have caused an accident. My pet hate is rude drivers who think they can do whatever they like and get away with whatever they like.


  • That is so terrible. I wish police would try a little harder, and I wish there was camera footage.


  • Odd that the police didn’t do more – thankfully it sounds like you were not hurt


  • My Daughter had this happened to her when she was 17 and at Macas. She was hit by cars playing chicken at night with their lights off and she had an witness who had been watching for a while as he was at an outside table. My daughter was no in the wrong and they rode her car off and than she found her insurance was very unhelpful as they would not do anything as the wanted a rego number but the fled straight after hitting. It did not matter that the police were called and a report was made. It is very unfair when you get left with the damage and the bill


  • That does not sound right at all, they have camera’s and also if you got the license plate number then they would be able to check the damage on the other drivers car. I would look into it again.

    • I agree with Tilly. Go into your local police station, and ask they look at his again.


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