
You are mature,
Sitting with your back straight,
Glaring down the table,
Three immature monkeys there,
You were mature.

You are kind,
Feeding the stray kitten,
Forgiving other’s sins,
Volunteering wherever needed,
You were kind.

You are educated,
Bachelor with honours,
Honoured business lass,
Reinventing yourself over again,
You were educated.

You are a Mum,
Raising beautiful souls,
Loving unconditionally,
Teaching and nurturing us always,
You were a Mum.

You are worldly,
Respectful and caring,
Eager to be informed,
Growing mindsets wherever you go,
You were worldly.

You are hope,
Offering others chances,
Illness then remission,
Gorgeous soul and enlightened,
You were hope.

You were an angel,
Open to experience,
High imagination,
Always showing tolerance and patience,
You are an angel.

Posted anonymously, 19th November 2021

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