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Have you ever taken 2 minutes of your time to send in some feedback to any company that you purchase items from (Heinz, Masterfoods etc..)?
It’s amazing what you get out of simply sending in an email!
I’ve emailed 7 Australian companies, telling them my honest opinions about their products, good or bad.
Out of the 7, 5 companies have sent out big parcels full of goods as a thank you for the feedback!
Give it a go 🙂 you’d be surprised by what they offer for a simple feedback email.

Posted by rebekah.bone, 25th July 2015

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  • I have heard of this. Although I’ve only heard of complaints getting rewarded with parcels of goodies. I didn’t know you got the same deal for giving positive feedback. I have emailed before with suggestions


  • Yes that does sounds great. Very clever!


  • I’ve rang a company to complain & got a answering machine & figured I’d hear no more but 2 days later I explained my problem, they were very apologetic & sent me a gift card to replace my product. Two weeks later they phoned to ensure I got the card & had no further problems with their product


  • Oh wow what a clever thing to do. and even if you don’t receive something at least you are contributing your opinion towards the improvement of a product


  • This is a great idea!


  • My brother used to do something similar when he was little, I remember he wrote to some soft drink company to say he was disappointed they weren’t making mini cans anymore as mum and dad wouldn’t buy the big ones for us. They sent him like 3 cartons of mini soft drink cans!


  • Thanks for the tip.


  • I give feedback to companies all the time, both positive and negative but I have found that when I have a complaint about a product they are generally quick to respond with a refund or replacement but if I give them a compliment they seem to be not as interested and I have never gotten free items for positive feed back.
    I do believe however that it is in the interests of the company to receive feedback as this is a way of improving on their product or service.
    I feel that a lot of companies only respond well to complaints because they do not want the negative out-pour and people bad mouthing their product. People power is an amazing thing just take the case of the cutting blade being changed on the Glad Wrap Box.
    Any how..well done and congrats on your gifts, a bit of praise and thanks for a great item or service is nice and I feel a helpful gesture and a added gift of thanks is a bonus.

    • I sure am happy they changed the Glad cutter, that was proving to be such a waste every time it didn’t work and you had scrunched up, wasted glad wrap.


  • Thanks for sharing ,will try this ,I love reviews


  • wow going to give it a try thanks for the tip


  • this is really nice to hear. i never really think of sending compliments ive had issues in the past and i have been sent some free stuff which was nice but i think they must love to hear feedback that is positive!


  • That’s amazing, and feedback whether good or bad is always useful for companies


  • That sounds great…I always have opinions but I have never thought to put them in print. i must give it a go. Thanks for the tip!


  • great idea, will give it a go to. I tell coles and get my points lol


  • That’s a great idea and I think we always focus on the negative but we need to be more positive!


  • Can’t say I’ve ever thought of this doings this, worth a shot.


  • I often give feedback. Havent received anything but i think the companies would find it helpful.


  • No harm in it.
    Today a parcel from twinings tea had arrived!


  • So good! I should send more feedback then.


  • Good to know and also great for the company to get feedback.


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