

From time to time I see grandparents looking after toddlers at shopping centres, parks, libraries, etc. A luxury not afforded to me in this life with elderly, deceased and full time employed grandparents but after seeing some of the scenarios I’ve seen, I’m not sure it’s one that I would want. There are plenty of dedicated grandparents who are full of zest and probably more energy than myself. It’s the other end of the spectrum that concerns me – like the grandad on the bench at the shopping centre play area, paying no attention to his granddaughter who was misbehaving (possibly for attention) while grandad slurps his take away coffee staring into space. Or the grandma too busy socialising with other people her age to notice the two toddlers are playing near a storm water drain. And the biggest one of all – the elderly grandad trying to push a pram next to a trolley (one hand on each) in a steep, full car park. Like I said, some grandparents are fantastic but for some parents I think you need to take the blinkers off and realise when your kids could be at risk or your parents are just too old to keep up.

Posted anonymously, 28th July 2015

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  • So very true. I don’t use my grandparents are they are too frail. I see a very elderly couple (who get around with walking sticks) pick up 3 kids after school each day. Both parents are full time doctors. So very wrong, but unfortunately, so very typical.


  • Very well said.


  • yeah i have seen this too but i offered to help them get to their car


  • All of mine are interstate, and one set suffering from an illness so I don’t really know any different to the situation I’ve always been used to. Good points you raise though


  • This puts the grandparents at risk as well. I was lucky that my parents were well enough to look after my boys when they were younger but now I often find that my boys go to help Grandma and Grandad – not get looked after


  • That doesn’t actually sound too different from a lot parents i come across on a daily basis, too busy on their smart phones or chatting with other adults. And maybe sometimes a situation isn’t ideal but there isn’t another option. Maybe as a society we are just far too judgemental.


  • My hair maybe grey but my arms are strong to hold my precious 5 (nearly 6) grandkids. Yes, somedays my back aches from lifting & bending for them but my heart is full of love for them. I’m happy to be apart of their lives & love the rewards when you see their dear little faces light up when they see you.

    • ASHBLONDE – your love for your grandkids always shines through in your comments – so lovely! :)


  • I love the fact that grandparents get to spend time with their grandkids but I think there should be limits. For starters, they have raised their families and deserve some time for themselves not to be raising more children. My mum used to have my little ones for 2 hours once a week while I went to work and I would pick them up and spend the rest of the afternoon with them as an opportunity to all be together. I loved those times and so did my children. They had a very occasional sleep over if I have an event to go to but other than that, they were my responsibility!


  • So true. My mother in law is not capable of looking after my. Daughter. My mum is as careful as I am.
    most grandparents are awesome


  • Grandparents can also be such a blessing in a young persons life.


  • I totally agree with you i am lucky enough to have two sets of grandparents with a little zest. as well as my husbands god father who we have just been told isnt himself. (forgets things easily). WE are lucky enough that the god father is like family to one set of grandparents so when he is with the kids he is been watched carefully at all times. He seems normal but after a log day isnt. The other day he went up to order food at macdonalds for the kids and forgot what he was getting. Lucky my husbands parents saw him staring off into space and stepped in and ordered the food. Thats when we were warned by the gran not to let him have the kids on his own at all. He doesnt know we know this but it has made it so much easier to plan ahead with everybody so he still is a big part of the kids life just not on his own. Its god for kids to have occasional special outings with grandparents but at this time they should be enjoying what little time they have left not be full time carers because the parents are to cheap for any day care.( by this i am refering to the old grandparents not young ones)


  • I wouldn’t trust my parents anywhere near my kids.


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