

My dad was killed in a terrible accident 16 Years ago. He was a truck driver
one of my brothers organised for his name to be put on the wall at the Victorian Truck Drivers memorial.
I was honoured to be asked to say a few words about dad, I am not a public speaker, but this was something I needed to do for myself and my family.
All I said was- You drove for love, you drove for your family, you drove for our future. We miss you dad

Posted by mum4107, 8th June 2015

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  • Beautiful heart felt words.
    A few words often mean more than a lot of platitudes do.
    It must have been heartbreaking standing in front of so many.
    I can well imagine the huge number of drivers who would have attended your Dad’s funeral. A relative of mine attended one that was in a huge chapel. It was packed and there was people standing outside. The majority were truck drivers.


  • Simple and heart felt. You did well.


  • Those simple words brought tears to my eyes. So sorry for your loss but glad you got the opportunity to say a few words about your dads life.


  • You obviously still miss him. Condolences.


  • How lovely they asked you and congratulations for putting yourself out there to speak.


  • I’m glad they asked you and that you could face this speech so well. A great way to remember your dad.

    • Thank you. I’m glad too. I was so overwhelmed with all the people there


  • Beautiful words and heartfelt-feel your pain and love. x


  • omg i have tears, those few words mean so much! what an honour! and I am sure your dad was looking down upon you with so much pride <3 thankyou for sharing


  • What a great honour and a wonderful thing to do.


  • That may have been all you said but it was all that needed to be said and it was perfect.
    Where would our country be without our truck drivers? We expect fresh fruit and veggies (to name but two) when we do our grocery shop, but it is the truck drivers that drive usually through the night that delivers our produce early morn to our stores. Truckies deliver so very many important commodities.
    Thank you for your story.

    • Thank you so much.
      They are so very important. My brothers are truck drivers too and my Mum was too


  • that is lovely. it is great that he has been memorialised. he would be very proud of you for being there in his honour.


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