

As I sit and watch another nightly news report, I am once again horrified by the violence in today’s world. Yet again it’s against a young female by a group of males. 4 grown men jump and attack a 14 yo girl walking home with her young male friend. They held her and degraded, raped and abused her for over an hour then dumped her. 2 have been arrested and 2 are being questioned. They even have the nerve to deny it all. It sickens me so

Posted by mom81879, 7th November 2015

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  • yep that is horrible. those people, do you call them people or monsters? it is bad enough that one person would do it but what the hell motivates a group? how do they find each other and condone these terrible things.


  • It’s really terrible. That girl will never be able to forget this experience. I can’t even imagine in which state of shock she must be. Poor one! :-(


  • It’s disgraceful.3 have now been arrested. They are all related. That poor poor girl


  • Totally agree, such a shame and makes news so hard to watch as a family. How horrid for the victims, can’t begin to image how devastating this would be.


  • What a world we live in =( It is so sickening!! How can people live with themselves doing that disgusting crap… I am so scared to have my children disappear out of my sight for 1 second when we are out and about, and scared to have them play outside unsupervised… I seriously hope those 4 scumbags pay for what they did!!!


  • It is sickening and as a community we have to condemn these actions.


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