

I was recently away for a few days and returned home to a surprisingly clean and organised house! My husband has since decided to take on more of the day to day cleaning and cooking, as quote, unquote, he finds it ‘easy’. It’s been 4 days now since I’ve been back and I’m wondering if tomorrow will be they day he gives up the cooking as he’s cooked everything in his repertoire. And while not everything is being cleaned exactly how I would have done it, at least I’m not doing it!

Posted anonymously, 4th May 2015

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  • It sound’s like he is a great hubby and he really cares about you!


  • Don’t complain whilst you are getting a break. But I’m sure hubby will quickly change his mind about it being ‘easy’ hehe


  • That’s so good for a good break :)


  • Housework is not my husband’s forte but he is very handy around the house.


  • that would be lovely for you to have a break!


  • My hubby is reluctant to do anything without me nagging him a hundred times, I wish he would take a leaf out of your hubby’s books. Hopefully his house hubby days are not numbered. Enjoy it!!


  • Your hubby is the perfect role model. I wish my hubby would helpout around the house


  • what a lovely husband! lap it all up while it lasts.


  • Aww, that’s sweet of your husband. Men that do their fair share at home are gems.


  • My hubby does alot in our house, Im so grateful for it :)
    Its always good to share a bit of the load


  • My husband from day 1 has always helped with housework. He is the only one who cooks and the only one who does the ironing. Hubby did everything from night feeds (so I could sleep more) to clean the toilets. He doesn’t always doing it the way I’d like it to be done but hey I’m not doing it so I won’t complain. The only thing hubby not real good at is making a bed so I consider myself a very very lucky woman


  • My hubby is a house hubby. Some men do better jobs at cleaning


  • I’m extremely proud to see my son’s doing their share of the housework with their partner’s. I’m also lucky to have a retired husband that helps me out too!


  • What a wonderful surprise!!!


  • My husband is fantastic around the house and always has been but I learnt not long after moving in with this that it was best to let him do things his way rather than miss out on the help as you feel it is not done your way.


  • I am always happy when someone else does the housework! ;)


  • They say it takes seven weeks to continue a habit. Count down!


  • I am so grateful for how much my husband does.


  • I wish my hubby would have that revelation!


  • Enjoy it while it last :-)


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