

I had to share. Last night I put my daughter to bed at the usual time – 7pm. Gave her a hug, a kiss and whispered “good night and I love you” and tucked her into bed. I then went and got myself a cup of tea and assumed that she would go to sleep as per usual. At around 8:30pm, I needed to go to the bathroom and walked past the bedroom door, only to hear movement. Poked my head in and my little girl was wide away and so, so, so not asleep! I told her that it is time to sleep, school in the morning etc. etc…

A little while later, I had to go to the computer room and could still hear movement. I didn’t look in this time, just said “go to sleep!” in my stern mummy voice. Finally, hearing no movement or a little voice, she had settled down to sleep.

It wasn’t until I went to bed at around 10:30pm that I found what she had been up to. A piece of cardboard she had used as a canvas. Some stickers and pen, and there was a little master piece with “I Love Mummy” with big hugs and kisses (xxooxx) and love hearts and drawings and smiley faces…

She had left this beautiful treasure on the bedside table where I would find it – and yes, she was fast asleep with a smile on her beautiful face. I went to bed laughing and crying at the picture and the beautiful soul my daughter is, has been and always will be.

Love you to the moon and back, my girl. xox

Posted by chezj, 26th July 2013

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  • What a beautiful little story


  • Kids are so sweet. My 2 year old is learning to talk and every once in a while she comes up to me and throws herself in my arms and says cuddles!


  • Awwww so so hard to be mad xx


  • oh that is really sweet. My child is always making me notes saying i love you etc


  • How beautiful! What a sweet girl you have.


  • How loverly. They are such treasures


  • so beautiful i would have been excited to see this


  • This is the most beautiful story. What a priceless experience and treasure. You truly have a very special young lady in your daughter! :-)


  • thats soooo cute, i hope my princess makes one for me one day!


  • Awww cute. I put my son to bed and the first time he said “nigh nigh, love you” melted me I wanted more cuddles. We have a signal for I love you” that even at 12 my daughter still uses and at the start it was just a little gesture that turned out to mean something special.


  • That is lovely, what a sweet girl (it made me a little teary to read it as my now 12 year old daughter used to do similar :) )


  • That’s gorgeous!! What a sweet heart you have :-)


  • Oh how beautiful! I used to leave notes for my mum on the nights she worked late.


  • Awww that’s so sweet l love it when we get little cute surprises


  • Aww so lovely and just another little reminder how truly blessed we are to have these littles angels.


  • Aww that is so sweet and beautiful. You could not get mad at that, I would have had tears and giggles too.


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