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My little girl is 8 1/2 months old and I thought she was a little behind her peers from mothers group, she had not sat or anything by six months! Then all of a sudden at 6 1/2 months she sat up all by herself-a few wobbles but pretty much by herself and then at 7 1/2 months she started doing this crab crawl backwards – it was more like a slide across the floor – very amusing to watch! So for the last month I have been putting objects in front of me and trying to convince her to crawl forward to me (she is the only child at mums group that hasn’t yet) and then today I was not paying any attention to her (to busy playing on my phone – I felt terrible) and my hubby walks in the room and says “she just crawled!” And I look up and she’s off! Only a few at a time but I nearly missed it! So take note to pay more attention to your bubs or you make be like me and miss it! 🙁

Posted by dbhall82, 4th September 2013

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  • All bubs delevleop at their own pace.


  • Comparing only causes concern, kids are all different.


  • Not all kids the same. Some quick some a bit slow.


  • Don’t try to compare your child with someone elses. They are all different and individual.


  • I am proud to say that I never miss a milestone of my girl… yet 😛


  • Yay for your crawler! Try not to compare, I know its difficult! My 18mo is a bum shuffler and this didnt happen till 15 months, so I know where your coming from.

    • Mine did the shuffle too. Bottom and one hand on the floor with a toy in the other hand….and eventually crawled properly but not often as she could’t carry a toy otherwise. One of my school friend’s younger sister slid along on her stomach pulling herself along with her arms. She eventually crawled properly.
      My Mum missed my younger sister first steps of walking independently not holding anything. She did it in front of her Nana and flopped down on her btm just as Mum walked back into the room.


  • Great story be proud of your baby and rember they ate all different and try not to compare which I know it’s hard


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