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It is my friends birthday today and i cant stop thinking about her how i wasnt there for her when she needed me the most i was getting over having a mastectomy my friend had separated from her husband a few months before and she was having alot of trouble getting money from him and centerlink to support their four kids i gave her money to help her out and smokes and she wanted to do my ironing for me i agreed. it kept going on so i distant myself a bit cause i was having to deal with my own problems the cancer and treatment

I found out two weeks after her death that she committed suicide i felt so guilty i couldnt stop crying it has been a couple of years now but i still miss my friend and i am sorry for not being there for you

Posted by ditto, 18th September 2013

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  • i really miss


  • thanks for sharing x


  • Sending you love


  • I am sure she would forgive you, terribel experience


  • Thank you for sharing or story, I hope that you are healthy and fully recovered and that you can now cherish your special memories of your friend


  • How very sad that someone feels that the only way out is suicide, but you cannot feel responsible for the actions of someone else, they make a choice and as hard as that sounds it is their choice however selfish that may be, if someone wants to suicide even if you stop them if they really want to do it they will find a way, you need to focus on your own health and what assistance that you gave her when you were able. look after yourself, NONE of us are responsible for the actions of another person.


  • I agree with the comments that have already been made.


  • That is very sad, however you were there when she needed you and you had problems of your own to deal with – you did your best and from what you have written you were a good friend.


  • You can’t feel guilty and don’t ever think you should have done something different, it is very sad but you can’t dwell on it as that will make it worse for you, it is okay to miss her and think of her but feeling guilty will just eat you up on the inside


  • You are a good friend and helped even though going trough your own problems. Your friend wouldn’t want you feeling like this.


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