

I’ve been a full time SAHM for the nearly 5 years now, and I have 3 gorgeous babies that fill up my days.
I haven’t always enjoyed being a SAHM, although it has always been my choice and my decision. There are some days where I feel like crying when the kids are pushing all of my buttons and I’m struggling through trying to return the household to a state of reasonableness.
Recently though, something has changed my mindset, and while I’m not sure exactly what it is, it has changed how I feel about myself and myrtle as a full time mum. I feel a real sense of pride to tell people what I do and I really don’t mind what they may think of my choice anymore. No more do I dread that question of “so, what do you do”? .

Posted anonymously, 4th June 2014

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  • Women need to be supported regardless of stay at home or work status; some by choice and some not.


  • Stay-at-home-mums are the people who keep our country going. Can you imagine what it would be like if every Mum went “out” to work? Doesn’t bear thinking about. And what really irks me are the people (and yes, surprisingly, some are women) who say “Oh you are so lucky to stay at home and not have to work”!!! Show me a SAHM who doesn’t work her butt off for at least 16 hours a day … you can’t “clock on & off” from being a Mum. Mind you, women who are asked what they do, and who reply “Oh, I don’t work, I’m just a SAHM” are really doing themselves and other Mums a huge dis-service too.


  • Isn’t it funny how we have different opinions of what we should be etc. I’ve always felt guilt because I had to go out to work full time post separation and now am the sole bread winner and can’t be a SAHM. Up until just recently one of my greatest desires was to be a SAHM
    Or at least work part time or have my own business or work from home etc. it is also only recently that I have made peace with the fact that I will perhaps always have to go to work.

    • A lot of “working mums” have told me the same thing, they wish they could be a SAHM, but are resigned to working to support their family. I really feel for the ones who have not found peace in their situation as you have.

      • Thank you for saying that. It’s only a recent thing this peace thing for me. It has been after many tears at not being able to go to this and that at the school etc. I don’t have family in the state either and am separated so no family can attend some of the things at school. Now my son is older (8) he is sort of understanding a bit more, which has helped me find peace. I hope when he’s older he can appreciate why I had to do what I have done. Your comment was very kind.


  • Was a stay at home home when my children were young and still am today, and am PROUD to be. A stay at home mum is a mother, wife (if you are married), nurse, educator, house keeper, organiser, and the list goes on and on. And you have the joy of being there on those mile stone moments like the first word or walk. How many special moments are missed by you and shared by day care etc when mum’s work.


  • I have always be proud of the fact I was a stay at home Mum and there when ever my kids needed me and it was how I was raised and always loved knowing no matter what my Mum was always there.


  • i am a SAHM as well, i love being with my daughter 24/7. I must admit when i meet people i NEVER ask them what they do! i dont really think a job defines a person more then the question ‘what do you love?’

    • i love that you ask people, “what do you love”? It must really throw them off the usual I’m a … track. You must get some interesting answers.


  • Ive been off from work for 5 years due to a shoulder injury i got while at work and i have loved being at home with my kids and also had my youngest while being off, but i must admit i do miss being just me and not mummy or a wife.
    I think thats what i miss the most is going to work and know one really having to know much about you and your just you.


  • Lol when clicking on your page I thought to myself what is a SAHM? once I read it I knew. I am a stay at home mum as well and loving it but getting a bit bored as my youngest is at school now.


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