

My days of celebrating my birthday with a party and cake are largely over. Boo hoo.

However, I insist that all family members and grandparents have a cake for their birthdays. And it is not about me. It really isn’t. It is about Miss 4. If there isn’t a cake, the birthday didn’t happen.

Last year, I didn’t get to celebrate my birthday and Miss 3 (then) was confused. “Did you have a birthday Mummy”? she asked. “Yes,” I replied. “But there was no cake”. Her little mind was unable to process the thought that a birthday can go by unadorned by cake.

So I make sure that we either make the cake together or that she decorates the cake in her own special way. Several older family members have said “No, no I don’t want or need anything” but they are firmly told that their birthday is not about them, nor is the cake, it is about Miss 4.

Pretty much like everything else in life.

Posted by deb_gs, 27th April 2015

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  • Does that mean I haven’t had my birthday yet?


  • This is very funny . it is because she just loves cake and want to eat one .


  • That’s so cute! Who doesn’t love cake anyway :)


  • You got to have cake!


  • My kids put there order in for what cake everyone should have well before the birthday, Once i was stuck for a cake for myself as hubby didnt organise one so i pulled a frozen donut out of the frezzer and covered it in lollies. The kids were none the wiser they were just happy to blow out my candles for me. Its totally about the kids.


  • Is all about the cake isn’t it ?


  • My boys are the same. A birthday is when someone gets a birthday cake. They too get concerned when someone doesn’t get a cake.


  • I’m with you in that I don’t tend to celebrate my birthday, maybe dinner with some friends. I am a twin and he is like me, however we now share our birthday with Miss 4, as special as it is, we make it more about her than us but will share cake and have family sing to us!!!


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