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Hey MoMs!

So, lately at Kindy when I drop my girls off…I have been getting a lot of judging eyes and facial expressions that seem to follow me every where. Yes! I am a younger mother with two children. I dress modestly and like I believe most mums do. I don’t drink, smoke or use bad language. Yet I still seem to be judged more than the others. I’m not one to usually care about others opinions generally but after experiencing it for so long I feel I must ask….. Have you had a similar experience?? Do you feel judged?? How does it make you feel??

Posted by ReLAYTable, 19th July 2013

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  • Ill try to keep it short and sweet but I have dealt with this for a very very very long time. I have a an older child with a brain injury (You may have read about him)

    He gets VERY stressed at school sometimes and when he does that hes not so nice. He has a lot of other troubles but over the years I have to say he has come leaps and bounds.

    Now I have worked my ass off as a parent to get him were he is today meanwhile in prep I was told he would never eachieve mainstream school . Well he is in grade 4 now.

    Do you think the judgy eyes have stopped even though he hads improved? No…of course not. I am “That Mum” with “that Child” . Meanwhile these women do not know a thing about me. If they knew me and the life I have lead, my failures AND my successes they would poke their own eyeballs out.

    Believe me they are not even worth your energy. I just waltz straight past them like Macgyver. Im like Queen B up in here if you want to throw shade at me with your eyeballs LOL


  • Kindy and school drop offs are just like being back at school.


  • When I first had my baby I felt this alot!! I’m 26 and married but look 18 and with a newborn I would often go Out with no makeup and looked even younger- I felt the glares like I was on teen mum, it was uncomfortable. Even worse when my husband asked me
    To get him cigarettes, omg the worst.


  • i think mums do this to other mums regardless of age. Its like their at school again and need 2 grow up .


  • Don’t worry about other mum, there are judgemental people everywhere. I was judged for being a part-time working mum, then judged for being a stay at home mum. It just goes on and on. Be confident you are a good mum and if your kids are loved and happy and you do the best you can for them, then that is what matters. Seriously, save yourself lots of angst and learn early not to worry what other mums think.. its the same at primary school too, with groups of mums who seem to be in charge of everything. I often used to wonder just who were the children in the playground.. the kids, or the mums.


  • Try not to let it affect you. I am 32 & had my first at 23, I don’t think I look young but if I only have my 1yr old people just assume he is my first & are shocked when I say I have an 8yr old. When people give you a chance & get to know you they are the ones that matter not these snobby SAHM’s that have nothing better to do than judge others. Not sure how old you are but I’m sure your doing a great job so hold your head up high & don’t give them another thought 🙂


  • Do you know what? Let them be judgmental! I used to worry about how others were judging me until I realised, regardless of how they judge me, it’s not going to change my life… I’m guessing there might be a bit of jealousy involved if you’re younger, maybe? Hold your head up high!


  • Not so much anymore but that’s only because now i look older for my age. Im 31 & my daughter is 14 this year so obviously i had her very young and yes found some extremely judjemental but there are also some genuine nice people out there that don’t. Either way who cares your not going to change anything cause of them are you!


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