

This story is a-typical of life living with someone on the autism spectrum. My son is 24yo. He is a real innocent. I love him and get really annoyed with him with equal intensity!!
I love telling this story, it makes me smile.
Friday night I shared with Nick that I had written a letter of complaint about bullying he knew I had lived through at work for the last couple of years – it was a real cleanse for me, and I wanted to share it with Nick. I raced into the supermarket whilst he sat in the car and read the 3 pages.
When I got back to the car I was waiting for some sympathy, or anything really – nope, nada! I then asked him what he thought… His response was “Mum that was such a boring story, you know I like stories about dragons and stuff”…. God I love him xoxoxoxo

Posted by coastalkaryn, 23rd February 2016

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  • This made me giggle. So lovely that you have such a beautiful relationship with your son!


  • Hahaha that is funny, dragons are cool, and they fight with fire and mum you only have a story not as good got to love what your children come out with no matter the age or what they go through. This made me smile thank you.


  • Fair enough! Hard to compete with dragons!

    • haha you made me laugh out loud !!

      • Your story made me smile :) Glad my comment made you laugh! Your son sounds delightful.


  • At least you can recognise his unusual perspective.


  • I love his reaction to your letter. You sound like a wonderful mum


  • You sound like an amazing mum! So glad you have found a way to deal with work bullies whilst being such a great support to your son. Love your positive outlook on life.


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