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For many years i have struggled with depression and have recently been told it’s PND which i never thought i would ever have. I have alot of panic attacks and find it hard getting out of bed most days. Lately things seem to be taking its toll on me and i have no energy at all. I am scared that im going to end up in a big bubble that i cant pop. Living with depression is harder than i thought, even taking tablets doesnt seem to help. Im going to write up a new story for each week as so far this has seemed to help make me feel a little better. Please do bare with me and I hope that my stories can help others suffering from depression.

Posted by donnamcdiarmid, 27th August 2013

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  • depressions


  • great to read


  • Keep strong, I really enjoyed the advice of other.


  • Having gone through Bipolar myself I know exactly how one feels to suffer from depression. Those dark days never seem to end but my doctor always told me “don’t worry everything will be OK”. I did not believe him at the time but time does definitely heal and the depression will eventually pass. Keep on trying to do activities and keep busy. Remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel.


  • I know how you feel. Been there myself. What Rocky says is true. Exercise is fantastic, I hate to do it but you feel energised afterwards. I organised to go walking with my girlfriend a few days a week. Getting out of bed is the hard part but I realised one day staying in bed isn’t solving the problem. Talking to friends and family or just getting out the house is a good positive step. My issue was offloading to others thinking that they didn’t wan’t to hear it but you find a lot of other people are in similar situations one way or another and if they are true friends, they will listen. You can all help each other just by having a cuppa and talking. It’s free and feels good when you can have a chat. At the end of the day, we are all human. It WILL get better, it has for me. You can pop that damn bubble, believe me.
    Good on you for sharing your story sweetie.x


  • As someone who suffers from Bipolar (originally misdiagnosed as depression) I can tell you now.

    1) the tablets wont fix anything…they more likely will make you feel like a zombie- but others will notice.
    2) sometimes it takes foreverrr to get a right medication/dose- so dont be worried about brringing this up with your doc.
    3)it will get better- i know you won’t believe me. But in one year, look back at this and reflect on how far you have come
    4) you are allowed tyo be upset. you are allowed to fgeel down, to cry, to yell. You need to do this to release some of that emotion strangling you from inside.
    5) make yourself small challenges/goals to keep yourself accountable- i.e organise on a day off to see your friend for a walk/coffee at 10. This means you will have to be out of bed in the morning…and getting out is the hardest part! by the way…exercise will do wonders (i know all the drs say it- but its trueeee!)

    I hope these help a little…
    You can check my blog out too if you like:) Its kind of to do with living with mental health issues…

    I hope that helps a little bit/at all.


  • I have been there myself, it’s not easy to overcome & takes courage, well done hun. I enjoyed your story


  • Congratulations on putting your story out there. I think its fantastic. Good luck, you are not alone.


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