
21 Comment

Hi guys,

I am a single mum with three children. Renting a home and pay $ 400 per week. On centre link payments. Looking for home loan. I knocked almost every bank for finance but no answer.

Das any one know where should I go?
Please send me email to my email ( bloem83@hotmail.com)


Posted by bloem, 27th February 2014

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  • Depending where you are, in South Australia the government have an agency called Homestart, they provide loans for people on low incomes, and also high incomes, graduate loans, basically anyone that does not meet the normal criteria, their fees can be a little higher but the repayments are based on income and they can defer part of the loan, the options that they offer are endless and many people find that it is the way into home ownership and then when their circumstances improve they refinance elsewhere, but many people stay with homestart as they are a good honest organisation that reinvests any profits to help low income people to own their own homes,


  • Any luck with securing a home loan?


  • Not wanting to be too negative, but if banks knocked you back, they probably did it for a reason. Single-income family, dependent on Centrelink, would be a huge risk for them. What would happen to your mortgage payments if something happened to change your Centrelink benefits? If you could get some part-time or casual work, that would enable you to maintain you Centrelink benefits, while earning a little extra, financial institutions may look a little more favourably if you’re looking for finance.


  • did you have any success with a loan


  • to be honest, I would not have a clue where to turn sorry


  • I would try a broker as well.


  • Visit a broker or smaller banks. They may be able to help.


  • A broker sounds like a good idea 🙂


  • your best bet is going to see a broker as they deal with lots of mortgage places and they will tell you the best way for you to go


  • seek help from a broker they can look in to everything for u


  • You may seek advise from broker but do you really wanna risk it with your financial situation? There’s more bills to worry once you own a home..

    I agree that Mortgage Choice is the best way to go at this stage. Seek advise and ask any questions you have to be sure you can really do it!

    All the best!


  • Thank you girls for all the comments. I defiantly will use them.



  • I agree a mortgage broker is the best option as they have access to a vast array of lenders to suite different criteria and can answer all the questions you need answered.


  • a mortgage broker is definitely your best bet. They will be able to look at all of your options and explain it all to you. good luck.


  • This is a hard one. Depending on where you live we used mortage choice and they were fantastic. But you may just need to leave it until you are in a better position .


  • This is going to be a challenge, but I wish you all the best of luck. Surly there must be a way!


  • Sorry to say but you are going to need a hefty downpayment…have you tried a mortgage broker…Aussie for example?


  • I went to my bank.


  • I have no idea but would certainly be interested to hear also. I’m a single mother working part-time and think it would be almost impossible to get a bank to give me a loan


  • Here in WA it is called Keystart but in other states I am sure government housing sites have share loans that help people who need a start to get a home. With young children you would be considered here and they would help you to get the deposit needed and if your fist home there is the First home owners grant. my son is going though this as he works he has to do a full loan.


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