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I just wanted to post about the emotional turmoil I have felt after hearing little 2 year old Jayden was missing in bushland in Taree, in freezing conditions. I have never felt more sympathy, worry, helplessness for another person’s baby as this. It’s because I too, have two tiny boys, 3 and 1. I know that toddlers are so incredibly fast, and wander off from sight in seconds. My first son was a runner especially as a toddler, and I spent over a year in a constant state of readiness, never could I allow myself to relax. He would climb everything, and no area was out of his limits. I prayed so hard for Jayden, and spent the night in an anxious state, as I wasn’t able to go and help search for him. With so much water in the area he was lost, I feared the worst but hoped for the best. You see, my husband should have a sister. Unforgettably, at 2, she drowned in the dam on their farm. That is why I thank god everyday for being blessed with two beautiful boys to have in my care, to comfort, to love and to be loved by. Being a parent is truly a blessing, which I will never, ever underestimate.
Posted by Sarah Kennedy, 18th May 2013
mom81879 said
- 18 Sep 2015
mom57522 said
- 02 Jan 2015
meimei said
- 26 May 2014
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