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With three primary school aged boys, I am sure I have already seen a vast array of lunchbox leftover horrors. You know the ones….opening the school bag the last day of holidays, only to discover a banana has almost melted its way through the seal of the non-quite-closed-properly lunchbox, drenching the diary/books/pencilcase in a sour sticky slime that means you have no choice but to throw it all out. Then there is also the slightly less traumatic experience of going to put their lunch in the lunchbox and discovering a perfectly made, and not even nibbled, sandwich sitting there already. You cannot help but doubt yourself for a second, wondering if you are reopening one lunchbox you had already done that morning, then of course you can’t help but fret about WHY they didn’t eat any of it. Sigh.

Having had many of these experiences, I had started getting my boys to bring me their bags in the afternoon, so I could prevent dead fruit or yogurt disasters etc.

One afternoon, as I was going through the 3 lunchboxes, I come across child number 2’s lunchbox with a full donut in it. What??? This was new…..coming home with a full item….that he was NOT sent with?? Calling him, I tried to sound kind-of angry or at least authoritative, until he explained. All students had been given a donut (yes I signed the form allowing this, but weeks ago, so I had forgotten) and he did not eat his. Ohhhh ok….I understood….but why had he not eaten his? I know he loves donuts. His reply, “Yes mum, I do like donuts, but I know you like them too, and you never buy any for yourself…just for us. So I kept mine for you.”

My poor blighter….the cuddles and kisses he had to put up with that afternoon….lol….so sweet!

Posted by zamnelna, 30th September 2013

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  • Your boy will grow up very well.


  • Oooohhhhh, isn’t he so cute! Bit like my kids when they do cooking at school. The other kids scoffed theirs down, mine always bought it home for mum xxx


  • oh that is lovely! what a nice change that your child is thinking about you! Sacrificing his donut for you instead of the other way around


  • nice story for read


  • I love chocolate and my kids know this so they’ll often save me a little piece 🙂 how lucky am I?


  • Kids, hey? They surprise us at the most surprising times! Thats really sweet of him to think of his poor Mum, who gives her all and never gets anything in return. xxx


  • So sweet and considerate.


  • ooooh what a thoughtful kids . .


  • Aw… isn’t that so sweet 🙂


  • ha ha. thats classic … great kids xx


  • Ah lunch box dilemmas. Great article 🙂


  • Thanks so much for sharing!


  • Oh my, that brought tears to my eyes. You have yourself one sweet thoughtful little soul there mumma.


  • That’s a great story and well told. Thanks for sharing. I have 3 boys, but only one in school so far and I’ve already learnt to check the lunchbox when he comes home. But I haven’t found food that he didn’t take to school! Very sweet!


  • How sweet is that. This shows you have done a good job bringing up your children


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