

We decided to get a away for the weekend and head up the coast to see my extended family. They put on a lovely spread for lunch and we had such an amazing weekend ending with a delicious brekky at a cafe this morning. Upon leaving I said to them what I now realise I always say … “Thanks for a wonderful weekend. We’ll have to come up more often”. Every time I saw it I totally mean it but it seems that time gets away from us and with other commitments and a toddler to keep up with, we just don’t seem to have time. I know that they understand, they’ve all been there too. I just wish we could spend time with these amazing people more often.

Posted by Bela, 31st August 2014

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  • Yes, we all tend to say this a lot and not act on it.


  • Lovely to hear you had a great catch up weekend with your rellys. It is too true, we just let life get in the way of what we should do. A bit sad really


  • make time


  • nice story for read


  • top story to read great


  • nice story


  • top story to read


  • wonderful


  • Life does get so busy. If you plan ahead, you might be able to come up with another time that suits. I find if I don’t plan ahead for these things, they never happen.


  • I think that’s just family life you never seem to get five minutes to yourself let alone a whole weekend where no plans have been made for you to get the time to go away.
    Glad you had a nice weekend tho always good to recharge your batteries once in a while :)


  • If only we could all have our own teleported to just zap us to a loved one’s home…

    • I’ve often thought the same thing. We’re still waiting for hover boards though so it might be a while yet before we can teleport ;-) Oh well.


  • So much fun spending time with loved ones. And doesn’t the food taste sooo much better when shared with special people x


  • It’s so hard to keep up with people when life gets busy.


  • I love spending time with family as well, good on you


  • Yes I often say ” we need to do this more often” or “we’ll catch up soon” with the best intentions but life is simply too busy. The upside is when we do catch up we have a great time & create good memories.


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