

A friend and I fell out before Christmas. It was silly really, but regardless, I was promptly deleted from Facebook from her page… So I just left it alone. Even though she’d said some pretty horrible things that weren’t true at all… I was pregnant and couldn’t handle the drama. Probably wrong of me, but I felt wronged in a few ways and I wasn’t about to go begging for forgiveness…

Before our big blow out though, I’d noticed she was slowly changing… She started having a new ‘clique’ of friends and my time with her diminished… She blamed university, life, her kids, everything – but I know now, she felt she was ‘better’ than me with her new friends…

I haven’t thought about her that much – I do wonder how she’s going occassionally – but I have a new baby and an active toddler, so my time is pretty busy as it is… I got a message from another friend asking me if she’d said anything about her… I said no, even though that wasn’t true, I just didn’t want to get mixed up in it all…

This friend then let the cat out of the bag and told me a whole bunch of stuff that I’m honestly shocked to learn about my former friend… And now, with the way she’s living her life, I’m kind of glad that her and I are former friends, because I certainly wouldn’t be able to be friends with the ‘new’ her…

Posted by chelseak, 18th July 2013

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  • People change, and so do friendships.


  • I’ve had a similar thing happen in a relationship. Betrayal and cliques are very hard to deal with, coupled with social media etc. I think especially being pregnant, you did the right thing to get out when you did.


  • Like they say – some times a friend is only there for part of rhe journey but there’s something to be learnt from everyone and we are richer for having known them


  • yes this happened to me. i asked her why we were drifting apart and the excuse was pitiful. we just need to make new friends with people who have more in common with us


  • It’s funny how we can outgrow some friends… its happened to me.


  • Some friendships just run their natural course.


  • Sounds like it was a friendship that had just ‘run its course’? Good to let go sometimes.


  • I’ve had a close friend move on from me too, I think it happens to most of us at some point. The way I see it is just enjoy your friendships for what they are in the now, it’s not worth second guessing why she started moving into a new ‘clique’ of friends – she is not better than you, lifestyle and circumstances constantly change in our life all the time, a true and loyal friend will share with you how they feel and take you along for the ride from the highs to the lows. Good on you for not engaging in gossip about what your ex-friend is mixed up in. :)


  • Sometimes the idea is much better than the reality, but it sucks.


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