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Wow, what I would give to live in a world where money was a ‘non-issue’.

The world has become such an expensive place!

Post Christmas we really struggled to catch back up. We didn’t go away anywhere (and haven’t been anywhere since) in an effort to save some money… But it just seems to be an uphill battle. Everyone I speak to is in the same boat… It seems everything is getting more expensive. You think you are going to have a good month and your power bill comes and puts you in your chair!
So all we can do is keep plugging along. Here are my biggest tips for attempting to get on track

  1. Make a budget (and stick to it!) Think before you spend (do you REALLY need it?)
  2. Minimise power and gas use (short showers, power points off at night, rug up in the cold, lights off)
  3. Embrace the great outdoors (my kids love playing outside and will choose it everyday over watching TV! And it’s free!)
  4. Embrace the ‘Chinese laundry’ (my husband read that the dryer costs around $10 per load! Wowzah)
  5. Beef mince is your friend… A staple in my kitchen which costs barely anything and creates big hearty meals
  6. Shop around…. By changing from woollies to Coles I have saved a bomb!
  7. Don’t be a brand snob. Food, clothes etc… There are some great budget options out there that are just as great as the expensive brands!
  8. Use local buy swap and sells to your advantage… Find some bargains and offload the things you don’t need anymore!
  9. Don’t stress…. You’ll get through this! If you are smart about this, you can be happy and tackle your money issues. This is something I tell myself every day!

We will be ok!

Posted by haldem337, 23rd April 2014

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  • Love the chinese laundry idea- I might have to give it a go


  • and also with the new Budget will effect more. Hubby came home and said, that’s it we wont be able to afford my hair cuts anymore (now that the new budget is in) and told us he was shaving his head! Its gone, no one noticed until a few weeks in (as he was wearing his beanie to keep his head warm) haha :). We are a family of 7 – with 5 active boys. We move heaps (for hubby’s job) and Im a full time stay at home mum. We certainly are not in the High Income, more middle to low one income family. A list helps when shopping and the budget per fortnight to put certain amounts away towards bill etc helps ease the burden when the Power Bill arrives. Im looking at changing my fruit and veggies shop to a local fruit market and meat to a butcher – I feel we are ripped off at both Coles and Woolies and I do the majority of my shopping online (and choices are limited), every little savings help


  • This article is really helpfull
    stress doesnt help
    Only make ur life worse

    • I agree! Mum used to say “Don’t stress the small stuff” – comes in handy when thinking of this!


  • I love my catalogues every week- I circle specials and try to get the most out of my food budget
    Also peruse eBay and gumtree for amazing special on per loved stuff! I’ve got amazing deals on ikea shelving barely used- 80 % off the bought price and BONUS it’s already assembled!


  • I am in the same boat, made worse because I am on maternity leave. It is a struggle but I do not want to go back to work too early, as the first year is the one in which they grow and change so quickly. I do everything you listed above and also found to make sure I do not overspend on groceries I write up a meal plan for the fortnight and ONLY buy what is on the list. Helps big time.


  • stress only uses energy not solves problems. found this very helpful


  • Yes it’s getting harder to make ends meet; I hope everybody knows about utility relief grants that are available through energy and water company’s for those doing it difficult. Contact your supplier for more information


  • some great tips on saving money


  • Love money advice bulk buying is my favourite way


  • Great tips. Buying in bulk is also another good way to save.


  • great tips, thanks for sharing


  • That is do true we try to most of them thanx for letting other ppl know


  • Great tips – thanks so much!


  • I’m about to walk away from the 3 jobs that I am currently holding and go back to being a full time stay at home mum. It is time to simplify… and embrace home cooking again. My kids have been missing out of the important thing – me. The memories that they have are going to be that mum was always at work or if she was home she was too tired to play – so we have made that decision and I am scared but we will cope…


  • I like to save money and it’s hard to these days so I pay somuch money on my bills every week so my bills are nothing so and the end of the month if u have a lil left I put my extra money into my kids accounts


  • If you have time shopping and all major supermarkets plus fresh grocers etc can save money..


  • I feel everything is about money. My life is suffering because of money & the lack of it. I wish something good would come my way soon because I am really struggling to get through each day


  • totally agree we seem to have everything breaking down at the moment first the wii paid $50 to get fixed then packed it in first time we used it verdict need new one( not at the moment at $300 +) get power bill that is bad enough then see we made nothing from solar panels, checked the system blowen up and probably will not be working most of this quarter till they fix, main light in kitchen blew up whole light needs replacing by an electrician ( no main light in kitchen for past three weeks trying to match light with the rest of the house), shower has been dripping changed washer with the expensive ones, still not stopping then brought a reseater and new expensive washers thought it was fixed started leaking again today now guess it means a plumber, we finally got a roof to stop leaking with help from a great fella for not much money after worrying over it for three years and thousands of dollars later and the mess of our lounge room ceiling. It always feels like something is a miss!!! Chin up 🙂


  • At this time we have put ourselves on a money freeze for the month. It is an amazing eye opener on what money can easily be wasted.


  • yep, we feel this way at times… some months all the bills are paid and feeling good then something unexpected pops up and puts us right back in debt again, a roller coaster I would like to get off of soon! but then I also try to remind myself of how we need to be grateful for the simple things and not get so caught up in wanting unnecessary stuff! glad to know I’m not alone 🙂


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