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Wow, what I would give to live in a world where money was a ‘non-issue’.

The world has become such an expensive place!

Post Christmas we really struggled to catch back up. We didn’t go away anywhere (and haven’t been anywhere since) in an effort to save some money… But it just seems to be an uphill battle. Everyone I speak to is in the same boat… It seems everything is getting more expensive. You think you are going to have a good month and your power bill comes and puts you in your chair!
So all we can do is keep plugging along. Here are my biggest tips for attempting to get on track

  1. Make a budget (and stick to it!) Think before you spend (do you REALLY need it?)
  2. Minimise power and gas use (short showers, power points off at night, rug up in the cold, lights off)
  3. Embrace the great outdoors (my kids love playing outside and will choose it everyday over watching TV! And it’s free!)
  4. Embrace the ‘Chinese laundry’ (my husband read that the dryer costs around $10 per load! Wowzah)
  5. Beef mince is your friend… A staple in my kitchen which costs barely anything and creates big hearty meals
  6. Shop around…. By changing from woollies to Coles I have saved a bomb!
  7. Don’t be a brand snob. Food, clothes etc… There are some great budget options out there that are just as great as the expensive brands!
  8. Use local buy swap and sells to your advantage… Find some bargains and offload the things you don’t need anymore!
  9. Don’t stress…. You’ll get through this! If you are smart about this, you can be happy and tackle your money issues. This is something I tell myself every day!

We will be ok!

Posted by haldem337, 23rd April 2014

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  • some really good tips thankyou


  • Yes its a struggle for most. I too wonder how others do it but then you just dont know what is really going on….maybe they arent as well off as they appear. I need to go to the dentist but am scared of what it will cost us. We have very little savings (due to a recent interstate move) and I cant bear the thought of something else putting us behind AGAIN! We try and do our best to cut costs but there is only so much you can cut out. Arghh at least i know we are not the only ones. We are a single income family and not by choice but because we have 3 young children and childcare for them all would cost us more than what I could make.


  • I struggle every day, well it seems this way most of the time. I’m getting used to living in credit theses days,nits frightening to think of it getting worse. I try to limit my wastage, buy fruit, veg etc in smaller amounts & Aldi is good 🙂


  • I use many different ways of budgeting, I pay bills weekly, same amount on each bill each week so when bills come in I owe very little if not in credit, I also shop for specials especially formula and nappies stock up when on special, sell used kids clothes and toys etc on Facebook sell sites, I also put all coins in a money box each day, clean purse out within months have normally couple $100, I also set up a holiday account, transfer money each week, for Xmas.


  • I’ve always loved coles, the flybuys points are great on shopping I’d buy anyway and you do save more than going to woollies.


  • Thanks Stacey. I have recently become a single mother (well currently pregnant) and have been stressing over the whole money issue. Thanks for all your tips, every little bit counts.


  • Good tips! I’m on maternity leave so every bit helps!


  • Thanks for the tips.. sometimes it feels like saving money is a never ending battle!


  • I agree it’s a expensive world we live in ,raising children adds 2 the cost ,Good ideas on saving thanks .


  • My budget is tight already n were about to lose my income cuz I’m having a baby n can’t work for 6 weeks 🙁


  • It sucks because we could be using that money on enjoyable things with our families but no, the government just want to keep on taking.
    We tried to make some quick cash to pay a bill by having a garage sale but the newspaper wanted $50 to advertise though. From only facebook, gumtree & many cardboard signs we did manage to make just over $150. You gotta think, there’s always another option.


  • Thanks for the tips !! I am always trying to spend better !!


  • Some wonderful meals can be created using good quality mince.


  • Thanks for the tips! I too am on a mission to decrease our spending. Sometimes I wonder how others seem to manage so well.


  • Great tips. No. 9 especially rings true! Stress is an unnecessary evil that never brings good outcomes. Keep trudging on!!


  • thankyou for the great read and tips 🙂


  • We are currently on day three of our spending freeze for a month, trying to break old habits on convenience is the biggest problem or is just lazy. Struggle for the day was saying no to a coffee.


  • Thanks for sharing !!


  • I make sure all my bills are paid on the day we get paid, makes it easier to budget for the rest of the fortnight. I also take money out of my everyday account and put it into an easy to access high interest account. I can take money out if I need it but the inconvenience of actually doing it makes you think about what you are are spending the money on


  • “Money don’t make happiness” I heard that many times when I was small and used to believe firmly in that.

    But it seems that everything is around money. If you don’t have money you can’t afford to pay your expenses. Which can result in stress


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