
156 Comment

Wow, what I would give to live in a world where money was a ‘non-issue’.

The world has become such an expensive place!

Post Christmas we really struggled to catch back up. We didn’t go away anywhere (and haven’t been anywhere since) in an effort to save some money… But it just seems to be an uphill battle. Everyone I speak to is in the same boat… It seems everything is getting more expensive. You think you are going to have a good month and your power bill comes and puts you in your chair!
So all we can do is keep plugging along. Here are my biggest tips for attempting to get on track

  1. Make a budget (and stick to it!) Think before you spend (do you REALLY need it?)
  2. Minimise power and gas use (short showers, power points off at night, rug up in the cold, lights off)
  3. Embrace the great outdoors (my kids love playing outside and will choose it everyday over watching TV! And it’s free!)
  4. Embrace the ‘Chinese laundry’ (my husband read that the dryer costs around $10 per load! Wowzah)
  5. Beef mince is your friend… A staple in my kitchen which costs barely anything and creates big hearty meals
  6. Shop around…. By changing from woollies to Coles I have saved a bomb!
  7. Don’t be a brand snob. Food, clothes etc… There are some great budget options out there that are just as great as the expensive brands!
  8. Use local buy swap and sells to your advantage… Find some bargains and offload the things you don’t need anymore!
  9. Don’t stress…. You’ll get through this! If you are smart about this, you can be happy and tackle your money issues. This is something I tell myself every day!

We will be ok!

Posted by haldem337, 23rd April 2014

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  • keeping a budget is really hard and you really have to commit long term and it will be worth it. The best tip is embrace the outdoors and get active and play, the kids love it and its free. It’s amazing that kids never get sick off going to the same playground over and over, they are just happy to have a play. Great fun!.


  • This is great. Sometimes we get so swamped in the worrying, we forget how to change


  • What sound advice ,buy what u need not what u want


  • Great tips


  • $10 a load?! Omg! I was actually looking at my powerbill last night wondering about the dryer. Time to get the old hills hoist working again 🙂 I certainly agree with swapping from woolies to coles. I have noticed nearly all brands are as good as the other but there are some things I just won’t scrimp on 🙂 I buy off Ebay/gumtrees/sites for a lot of my clothing but my best buys have been waiting until Target for example has their end of season 75% sales off or at garage sales where once I bought brand names at 30 cents each!


  • this article is spot on with its ideas. If you don’t really need it, its not a bargain. There are some very good home brand items that are good value for money eg, flour, sugar, cotton balls, pasta, tinned tomatoes etc. Look out for half price specials of things you use regularly.


  • So true, we don’t have a cent to our name, living in credit, it’s terribly scary


  • Lots of good ideas here. I also find Aldi good for certain items. Eggs, rice, canned tomatoes and legumes, tuna, tea, Chicken, carrots, mushrooms and other vegies are always on my Aldi list as these are items that I have tried, found to be great and are cheaper than coles or woolies.


  • this is some really good advice


  • Great advice & tips here as we are extremely low on funds. I’ve often wondered about the Coles/woollies is it the flybuys? Beef is a great friend ATM & even pork, chicken, veal works for us. No brand snobbing I agree, op shops awesome for mum too! Minimising power great too, rug up, I’d rather endure that than facing a huge bill, plus it can be bonding time with children :). Love it all thanks Hun 🙂


  • It is tough.
    minced chicken and turkey and pork are often cheaper and healthier than beef too and you can do exactly the same dishes. good luck


  • Aldi and NQR are also great for saving on the grocery budget. I also buy christmas wrapping and cards after christmas for the next year which saves me a fair bit as they are so cheap.


  • You can also look for sales on things such as post Xmas and post Easter for gifts ( as long as they are not perishable) and you can store them until you need them.
    I find a lot of gifts on sale, especially kids gifts and have them for birthday parties etc, it save a lot


  • So many people don’t have a budget but it’s one of the most important things you could do to ‘see’ what’s happening with your money! Some great tips about reducing bills in your story too!


  • Great tips and advice there thanks heaps as I’m a mother of 4 and know how much things cost these days cheers.


  • Thanks for the tips, we are in the same boat.


  • FABULOUS tips – thanks. Our dryer costs around $2, but I still refuse to use it unless it’s an emergency. Also, I find the slow cooker is a God send and meal planning around the weekly/fortnightly specials will save you a bucketload. As you say – we’ll get there!


  • Great tips!! It’s hard at the start of the year to get back on track. You just get over Christmas and then the rates, school & sport fees are due 🙁


  • Eating less meat (eg having a meat free meal once a week) helps too.


  • I really loved this article. It gave me some inspiration for a few more money saving ideas and particularly when I did my grocery shopping this afternoon I had this in mind. Thanks so much.


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