

This has been such a handy tip for me in saving money, that I just had to share!

Before purchasing an item, calculate how many hours of work it will take you to earn the purchase price! When you break it down like that, it really helps in making up your mind if it’s a want or a need and saves on those impulse buys.

Posted by mom57522, 18th April 2015

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  • I totally agree. I have done this quite a few times


  • Great! Very interesting and clever too!


  • Interestin idea,might have to try that next time l shop!


  • That’s clever ,stop & rethink about a purchase.makes sence to me !


  • good idea – thanks for the tips


  • To save up for special treats, I put my coins in a jar at the end of the day. After 3 months I have $250-00! Don’t know what I am going to use it for yet…….


  • that is a great idea! I might start doing this! Thanks for sharing


  • I also find that it helps to walk away and think about it for a bit.

    • Agree if you don’t really need it you don’t bother going back


  • Such a great concept that I’d never really thought about before – certainly makes you think twice!


  • Oh, I actually never did that. It will probably help!! Thanks!

    • It really does make you stop and go whoa! hmmm! do I really need it or do I just want it? :)


  • It is something I have always done too! It really does help when making a choice about purchasing items.


  • What a great tip. Thank you for sharing it


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