

I was so blessed this year to have my husband and daughter bring me breakfast in bed. 2 years ago i was pregnant with my little one and i was looking forward to becoming a mum. Little did i know that motherhood came with its own challenges, especially for someone with a short fuse.
I still remember the first time she felt hot n had a little temperature and i rushed her to the ER. Lucky the doctors there were very nice and understood that as a first time mom i felt way out of my league. I could bathe her, feed her, soothe her but her wellbeing meant everything to me and my husband.
It still does of course. At 18 months now we are starting to think about introducing potty training and getting rid of her dummy.
2 mother’s days after her birth, i can look back and say i wouldn’t change the last 18 months for all the money in the world.

Posted by regine_kong, 10th May 2015

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  • Children are indeed wonderful blessings!


  • High and low, I wouldn’t change anything either. Enjoy your motherhood…..


  • i would love to get brekkie in bed but if i hear hubby, i always go to see what he is up to lol


  • It is a blessing to be mother, enjoy the moments they grow up too quick.


  • I understand completely. The best experience ever!!


  • How lucky are we to be Mum’s! Wouldn’t change it for the world


  • Hope you had the most wonderful Mother’s Day. Being a Mum is such a blessing.


  • Wishing you and all other mom members a very HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY and wonderful memories.


  • Motherhood can be such a wonderful experience. Reflecting on it is a good thing to do!


  • It’s a good time to look back at your life as a mother.


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