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I have 4 kids but have lost 8 babies to late first trimester miscarriage. People look twice when they see that we have 3 children close in age, a large gap of 7 years and then a young man who is the “baby”!
I often get a veiled question about the large age gap and happily tell them if they seem interested.
Before I had any children I suffered 2 miscarriages, still considered within the realms of normal statistics.
After 3 kids, I was trying to have baby number 4 and just miscarried and miscarried for FIVE YEARS. Of course I had every test and every treatment under the sun, from acupuncture, Chinese herbs ( my kids thought I was drinking boiled up snakeskins ) to chiro, naturopathy, counselling, hypnotherapy, gynae operations and diet changes, all to no avail. I read every book, blog and website and got increasingly depressed and panicky with each ultrasound that inevitably ended in tears.
Several Drs who treated some of my more awful miscarriages where I ended up needing hospitalisation openly questioned why I was doing this and suggesting that I should just accept my age related infertility. However, I knew that so many miscarriages in a row was a statistical anomaly even at “my age”.
When my specialist left the practice I chose to stay there where my records were and meet the new Dr who promptly made me see his friend, a Reproductive Endocrinologist. She re tested me for everything again and then called met to say I had a thyroid condition and needed to be treated urgently. Thyroid tests had been done before but not interpreted correctly as even a borderline normal test can affect fertility.
I visited an endocrinologist as soon as possible as I was now aged 44 and time was running out. My thyroid levels were normalised a few months later and I conceived again and had a nervous pregnancy. A beautiful, large, healthy baby boy was born when I was almost 45 years old.
He is the joy of our life and owes his life to the persistence of the Drs who kept testing me. If you have suffered what I have, to have such a Happy Ending with closure is a Wonderful Miracle.
Posted by joni64, 1st May 2013
mom57522 said
- 28 Dec 2014
mel1 said
- 24 Jul 2014
jodie80 said
- 26 Mar 2014
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