
14 Comment

Okay, so I cleaned, or wiped my oven out today, didn’t go fantastic.. I don’t want to use oven cleaner, but idk how to remove the grease specs on the inside of the screen.. I also used creme cleanser for the top, but does anyone know how to completely remove the black bits that get stuck to the top of electric oven hot plates?

Posted by ForHeavensCakes, 25th June 2015

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  • Me too. The glass door of the oven is just as complex and no matter how much you clean it doesn’t shine that well .


  • Never done it as oven cleaner usually works, but I have seen this hanging around facebook, give it a go! http://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-clean-an-oven-cleaning-lessons-from-the-kitchn-201191


  • I despise cleaning the oven…I actually pay a company to come out and do it for me now


  • Bicarbonate, dish washing liquid and then vinegar rinse to get rid of residue!


  • I make a paste out of bi carb and detergent and leave it to soak. Works a treat.


  • I used a light brillo pad on my glass and it came up well. but test a bit to make sure it won’t scratch your glass.


  • I am going to check out the Viva Wipes … Thanks everyone.


  • check out your local shop or go online and check out the prices for the viva wipes. prices will vary from store to state.


  • I cleaned my oven with the cup of cloudy ammonia on the top shelf & boiling tray of water on the bottom shelf overnight method. I used a paint scrapper to loosen the baked on build up & I’m really pleased with the results.


  • well i use oven cleaner and it smells so strong but gets it perfectly clean


  • I use the viva wipes they work great.

    • Viva wipes sound interesting. Are they expensive?


  • Try BBQ cleaner – it’s safe for food surfaces.


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