

I was at play group with my two girls aged 4 and 19 months, the two girls were sitting on the floor playing with blocks. While I was talking to their grand mother about words Lily (youngest) has picked up. We heard 1,2,3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and a little clap. Looked down to see Lily clapping. And this happened again. As she picked up each individual block and put into a little pile she counted 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Both my mother in law and I looked at one another in shock. Other parents that were around us also looked amazed that my child was counting. And she was doing it so confidently as well. I had was amazed and happy that she was counting to 10 I had to call my partner right there and then and let him hear for himself! And since that day she’s been non-stop counting. She must of picked it up from her big sister, but it fills me with so much pride that my little child is able to could to 10 already.

Posted by missemzy, 1st March 2013

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  • Smart little cookie!! It’s amazing how much little kids pick up from older siblings.


  • Wow, she’s so young! Clever girl!! Reminds me of a friend if mine, his daughter was about 18 months and wandering around reciting the alphabet. And another friend who’s 10 month old daughter walked into my kitchen and said ‘Gday, how’s it going?” Blew me away. Both girls have grown into beautiful, intelligent young women


  • Thank you for sharing this. Very interesting reading!


  • Great job Mum and Big Sis!


  • that is great. good job mama. it is good when they can do this no matter when


  • Glad you had this special moment; thanks for sharing it!


  • Kids are so amazing sometimes!


  • I feel happy for you. Your girls very clever :)


  • cute little kids they pick up a lot at 19 months


  • Such a cleaver little girl :-)


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