
13 Comment

My girl is 2 now and she was born with a birth mark on her eyebrow, we got told we could have it lazierd off but I dreaded the thought of changing my beautiful girls face, we think it’s part of who she is and would not change it for the world.

My biggest fear is what will happen when she’s older already strangers keep saying to her did you have a fall and that’s a nasty sore and I’m constantly correcting them saying it’s her beauty mark she was born with it. I don’t want her to ever feel ashamed of it or get picked on cause I have heard kids ask there mums what’s on that girls face. If she ever really wanted it removed when she’s older I would be there holding her hand but I also want her to grow up being the smart confident girl I can see now and be proud of her beauty spots her mummy and daddy fell extremely proud and blessed 🙂

Posted by brodie, 19th November 2013

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  • Kids can be cruel, sadly. It’s good you gave an open mind and will let her have it removed if she ever wishes


  • beuty mark


  • I feel that she will be very confident … do you have an update.


  • it a a great and exellent story


  • I like your attitude, good on you for seeing it the way you do.


  • Good for you. It’s always a difficult decision


  • A great story and I would leave it as well, when she is older or if she has a lot of problems I would let her make the choice.


  • my niece has some big birth marks that look like brusing. My sister is australian and her hubby it thai. And when the 2 different blood types mix they can leave marks on the baby. They were so bad the hospital had to take lots of photots when she was born to show people later on that sha had not been abused.


  • Its a difficult one. My daughter had an issue with her ears sticky out a little bit. My husband and I never worried about it, she is such a beautiful confident girl that we didn’t think sucha little thing was a problem. What we didn’t know was that she was constantly teased at school and had a real problem with her self image. At 17 she insisted on having them surgically corrected. We all;owed it because she was so determined and it meant so much to her. She really suffered with recovery and the surgeon told us it would have been so much easier if she had it done when she was younger. I have since regretted my discision to just let it be, and wish I had saved her the humiliation she suffered growing up and the pain of surgery when she was older.

    That was our experience and I just wanted to share it with you. I wish your little girl all the best.

    • It is a difficult decision. So hard to know what to do.


  • I think I would feel the same way, keep doing what your doing & if she chooses to have it removed later that’s her choice. Must be hard though


  • Thank you for your support and it’s nice to hear someone else feel the same way 🙂


  • You and your beautiful daughter have the right attitude. Our son was born with a birth mark on his forehead, he called it his lucky mark, it never worried him. Strangers did comment, but who could argue with a little boy who was so confident about his lucky mark. While he had it he won competitions, did well at school and in sport. His birthmark has now faded as he has got older. He is a very confident young man.


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