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It was Melbourne cup day and I woke up around 9am feeling very tight. I was due in one weeks time. My midwife visited me the day earlier and said I was very tight, may get a few braxton hicks for the next week to get me ready. This was my second child so I felt more prepared this time around! My daughter was a 6hr labour and I gave birth in a hospital so I was prepared as been through it before. I walked my daughter Hayley to her school orientation and stayed their for an hour talking to other mums. Felt like I couldn’t sit down and had to walk but just felt tight pains which did not feel like contractions. Came home about 11.30,did the washing and a bit if housework. Hayley went to her friends house for a little play. My partner came home early as it was cup day and wanted to put some bets on. He asked how I was feeling and I said I actually have a few pains today, don’t be surprised if we have a baby later tonight or in the morning. The pains then got harder. At this stage I rang my midwife, it was 12.30 and she said sounds like its getting you ready, ring again if anything else changes, when you have a show or when your waters break. At this stage I thought I will start writing down times. Next pain 12.45,then 1.45, then 2.06, 2.12 then oh my god I cannot move. I had to go to the toilet and then I had my show, then my waters broke. I told my partner get the phone it’s happening now! Rang the midwife and she told us to ring 000 straight away as I will not make it to hospital. They spoke to my partner and told him to put the phone on speaker and told me to lay down and my partner to get towels. Lucky we were in the bathroom so they were right there! The pain was so intense I was trying to focus on my breathing and not worry about the situation we were in. A head started to appear and the operator said ambulance was on their way and not to worry. Next thing Charlie Morris rust was born and the operator gave time of birth over phone as 2.46. My partner delivered my baby. We were so overwhelmed with joy and shock with what just happened. It just happened so quickly! Ambulance arrived 5min later, came charging through the door and said well done guys! Charlie was a healthy baby with no complications. The bathroom floor will never be the same again, such a precious birth! He is now 16mths old and I wouldn’t change a thing!
Posted by tanya goulding, 28th February 2013
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