

Having a beautiful son later in life was certainly surprise not just for me but the whole family, i feel he was sent to us for a good reason he is now 7 and we all love him to bits, sometimes when we talk just us to he is really sweet once when he was 3, we were out in the shops and someone asked him to wait for me his nanna to help him he got upset as he told the lady i am his mum. I asked him later that day did he think i was a bit to old to be his mum and he told me yes mum thats why i picked you to be my mum, my heart just melted he is such a sweetie

Posted by kioloablue, 20th May 2015

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  • Beautiful, how sweet is that ?!


  • What a lovely story thanks for sharing


  • Oh how beautiful! You seemed to very blessed in more ways then one. I hope you all continue to enjoy and love each other for many more years to come


  • Oh that is just so sweet and beautiful


  • Kids can come out with the sweetest things sometimes.


  • …. he just melted my heart too. You are truly blessed.


  • Thanks for sharing a touching story.


  • Oh that would have made me cry – what a little sweetheart you have. So cute.


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