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The 9th of June was a terrible day for me. My companion of the last 14 years, my dear cat called ‘Cricket’ had to be put down. He had been diagnosed with a huge tumour in his stomach 2 years earlier, but i figured while he was still eating and drinking, he would be on palliative care and I would just make him as comfortable as I could. Unfortunately he got to the point where he was meowing in obvious pain, then the next day, he could no longer eat or even drink water. This was a sure sign for me as he had always been a big eater and loved his tucker, but he had been losing weight steadily as he could no longer process the food he was eating. determined not to let my little buddy suffer any longer, I took him to the vet that day and said goodbye to him for the last time. He went out peacefully and died in my arms. Needless to say I was beside myself with grief. I even imagined I could still hear him walking around my unit, and every time I walked in the door, I expected to see him sitting in his usual spot waiting for me. The void in my life was almost unbearable.
A few weeks later, I couldn’t stand the emptiness any longer and decided to adopt a kitten from the local pet shelter. There wasn’t many to choose from the day I went to investigate, and one I was considering was virtually snapped up from under me as I was sending my daughter pictures of him to get her opinion. The only kitten left was small black female with a small white tuft on her chest. She looked skinny and had a gunky eye, but was assured by the staff that her course of treatment for her eye was finished. After spending a small time in the cage with her, she appeared to be lively and bright and not timid, as I really didn’t want a scaredycat. Her kennel name was ‘Holly’ and I decided not to change it. So we filled in the paperwork, but she had to be de-sexed first. Luckily, they arranged it for the next day, so I didn’t have to wait long and picked my new baby up. Her eye was still gunky and I told the vet who de-sexed her my concerns. I was told to take her back to the shelter, to let one of the vet’s there to have a look at it, which I did the following day. Poor little thing was so stressed, it was like she was saying “oh no!!!, you brought me back here!!!’ The vet prescribed some ointment for her eye, and some tablets.
She was so good during the whole treatment although I had to get someone to hold her while I put the ointment in. She straight away showed me so much affection that I instantly fell in love with her.
Now a month later she is absolutely gorgeous, no more gunky eye, just so full of love (and mischief), and eating well and using the litter tray. She has truly been like a ray of sunshine in my life. I now look forward to coming home knowing Holly is there, and she constantly keeps me smiling with her antics.
Posted by vicky_guillaumier, 2nd August 2013
mom81879 said
- 26 Sep 2015
191joannes said
- 17 Feb 2015
mom57522 said
- 30 Aug 2014
kathy78 said
- 03 Aug 2013
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